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réequilibrer sa flore intime grâce aux probiotiques vaginaux
Flore vaginale

Protect your intimate flora with vaginal probiotics

Maintaining the balance of your intimate flora (vaginal and intestinal) helps to greatly protect it from infections and problems such as intimate dryness. For this purpose, vaginal probiotics are ...

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Meilleurs compléments alimentaires pour augmenter sa fertilité

Best food supplements to increase fertility

You are in a baby project with your partner. Whether these are the very first attempts or whether you have been involved in this project for a little longer, if you are here, you are certainly look...

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Meilleurs compléments alimentaires pour atténuer les symptômes de la ménopause
Bien être

Best Dietary Supplements to Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Menopause, preceded by the perimenopause period, corresponds to a fairly disturbing moment of transition for menstruating people and for good reason: our menstrual cycles and our periods stop. A pe...

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Comparatif des compléments alimentaires pour la grossesse

Comparison of food supplements for pregnancy

Summary Holistic food supplements dedicated to pregnancy Symptomatic food supplements FAQ How do I choose my pregnancy food supplements? Pregnancy is a time as significant ...

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Combien de temps durent les règles ?
Cycle menstruel

How long do periods last?

Two days, four days, eight days, sometimes three days, sometimes ten days… Talking with many menstruators over the last few years has taught us that there is not just one way to get your period. W...

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Anatomie du corps humain - Article Gapianne sur la vulve et le vagin

Everything you need to know about the vulva and vagina

The vulva , the vagina, the clitoris, the labia minora, the labia majora... all these words speak to you and are familiar to you but you are not sure of what they imply at the anatomical level, abo...

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Article Gapianne comparatif de lubrifiants

Comparison of lubricating gels: which one to choose?

A source of additional pleasure or obligation to counteract intimate dryness, the use of lubricating gels may prove necessary during sexual intercourse. They facilitate slipperiness, limit frictio...

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Article Gapianne sur les pertes blanches à la ménopause

White discharge during menopause

Is it normal to still have white discharge during menopause? Why and what do they look like? What are the abnormal discharges during menopause and when should you be concerned and consult? White di...

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Ventre femme enceinte dans son bain

Pregnancy and sexuality: everything there is to know, without taboo!

Pregnancy is an intense period of upheaval, for our body, in our body, in our mind. It is therefore not surprising that upheavals occur during these nine months, particularly sexuality. If pregnan...

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Insomnie et ménopause

Insomnia and menopause: how to get back to sleep?

Your period has stopped and with it, your ability to fall asleep easily. For some time now, you've been tossing and turning in your bed, wondering, waking up in the middle of the night... in short...

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Phytothérapie et ménopause : les plantes à connaître - article Gapianne

Phytotherapy: plants that relieve the symptoms of menopause

It's no secret that the power of plants to improve female well-being, and more broadly, is very real. That's why we're excited to bring you our guide to using herbs to relieve menopause symptoms . ...

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Article Gapianne sur la fatigue pendant la ménopause

Menopause and fatigue: a symptom as impactful as it is neglected

People who menstruate all go through perimenopause before experiencing menopause, the period when the menstrual cycle stops. As menstruators, we have a limited number of eggs that our ovarian folli...

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huile d'onagre et bienfaits sur la ménopause - article Gapianne

Discover evening primrose oil to relieve your menopause symptoms

Hot flashes, night sweats, menstrual cramps, intimate dryness, reduced libido: the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause (this period of a few years preceding menopause) can be particularly uncom...

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Article sur la naturopathie comme aide lors de la ménopause - Gapianne

Managing your menopause with naturopathy: is it possible?

A period of hormonal upheaval and various inconveniences and discomforts for many menstruating people, menopause has no real treatment other than taking hormones to limit its impact and symptomati...

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Article Gapianne sur les bonnes pratiques pour prendre soin de sa flore vaginale
Flore vaginale

How to maintain the balance of your vaginal flora?

The balance of vaginal flora is a health issue for many women. It thus influences many aspects, such as vaginal dryness, pain linked to sexual relations, and even fertility. However, it can be easi...

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Article Gapianne pour déterminer si on a un périnée tonique

Comment savoir si mon périnée est assez tonique ?

Le périnée est une sorte de hamac composé de muscles, de ligaments et de fascias qui s'étend du pubis jusqu'au coccyx. Il soutient les organes génitaux, du rectum, de la vessie et des viscères. Les...

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Article Gapianne sur la masturbation féminine et le plaisir
Acceptation de soi

Female masturbation: how to masturbate for more pleasure?

In our third chapter of the Pluriel.le.s videos, it is the - vast - subject of masturbation that is addressed, always with testimonies from women of all ages and from all backgrounds. Through these...

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Femme avec des douleurs de règles
Cycle menstruel

Gérer le SPM naturellement : nos astuces

Fortes douleurs au ventre et à la tête, humeur instable, difficulté à s’endormir, jambes qui gonflent à vous en faire souffrir… Les symptômes liés à l’apparition prochaine et/ou aux premiers jours ...

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Combien de temps dure un cycle menstruel ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

How long does a menstrual cycle last?

There is a fairly widespread idea that women's normal menstrual cycles last the length of one lunar cycle: 28 days . But what is it really? What is the normal length of a menstrual cycle? pIs ther...

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Vos cycles menstruels n’auront plus de secret pour vous-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Your menstrual cycles will no longer hold any secrets for you

As a menstruating person, menstrual cycles are often reduced, for the most part, to the occurrence of periods. We know our rules, their duration, their flow, the solutions to respond to them. But w...

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Article Gapianne sur les solutions contre les douleurs mammaires à la ménopause
Cycle hormonal

Menopause and breast pain? Natural treatments to no longer suffer

Did you think you had gotten rid of hormonal discomfort once your menstrual cycles were over? Missed. As menopause approaches or once it has started, you regularly experience breast pain. Your brea...

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Article Gapianne comparant les meilleurs produits naturels pour hydrater sa vulve

Comparison of the best products to moisturize the vulva

Do you suffer from intimate dryness? Is sexual intercourse painful and causes irritation? On a daily basis, underwear can be irritating and friction unpleasant? There are solutions, natural and un...

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Article Gapianne sur les différences entre périnée tonique et hypertonique

Tonic or hypertonic perineum? What differences?

A toned perineum is a healthy perineum that allows you to perform all of your bodily functions, including keeping organs in their place, urinary and fecal continence and sexual pleasure . If a weak...

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Article Gapianne qui compare les meilleurs appareils pour muscler son périnée

Comparison of the 3 best devices for strengthening the perineum

The perineum is a set of muscles, ligaments and fascia that extends in a hammock shape from the pubis to the coccyx and surrounds the vagina, bladder and sphincter. Its tone guarantees good health:...

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Article Gapianne sur les irritations et brûlures après les rapports sexuels

Irritation and burning of the vulva after sexual intercourse: we tell you everything!

During your last intercourse with vaginal penetration, you felt irritation of your vulva or a burning inside you . Maybe it's new, or maybe it's something you experience regularly, or even during a...

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Article Gapianne pour connaître les signes de fertilité des femmes
Cycle menstruel

What are the signs of fertility?

Whether you're on the cusp of a baby plan or trying to get pregnant, you 're probably wondering if you're fertile . There are two parts to answering this question. First, you need to know if you ar...

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Article sur nos 8 conseils pour booster naturellement votre fertilité - Gapianne

8 tips to naturally boost your fertility

Here we go: the baby project is launched with your companion! Congratulations on this nice step in your love and family adventure! 🤩 Faced with this new project, you are wondering about solutions t...

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Article Gapianne sur les ballonnements à la ménopause

Prevention solutions and treatments for bloating during menopause

Menopause is a significant period of transition in a woman's life, marked by the cessation of menstruation and the end of fertility. This natural process is accompanied by a whole series of physic...

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Article qui explique comment reconnaître les signes d'une sécheresse intime - Gapianne

How to recognize intimate dryness?

Intimate dryness affects one in six people with vulvas and one in two people with vulvas after menopause. This is a medical condition in which the vagina fails to regulate its natural moistening. ...

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Stimulateur clitoridien ? Point G ? Quel vibromasseur choisir ?-Gapianne

G-spot or clitoris: Which clitoral stimulator or vibrator to choose?

Do you want to treat yourself and buy an intimate accessory ? We understand you! But which vibrator to choose? When we know that there are a multitude of options such as the type of stimulation (cl...

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Article sur les 3 types d'endométriose - Gapianne

The different types of endometriosis

If endometriosis, this endometrial disease which affects 10% of women in France, is starting to be discussed more and more, it is less known that it is divided into three different types depending ...

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Article sur la grossesse avec le SOPK - Gapianne

PCOS and baby plan: how to get pregnant despite everything

PCOS is the leading cause of female infertility in France. Although little known to the general public, this endocrine disorder impacts the fertility of menstruating people in different ways, notab...

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Article sur la dépression post-partum - Gapianne

How to get over postpartum depression?

Mental and physical fatigue, emotional and hormonal upheaval, stress, family pressures and influences, upheaval of the couple and each person's roles, stopping work... All the conditions are there ...

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Article Gapianne x Magic Ovaries sur la symptothermie
Cycle menstruel

Symptothermy, a great tool for deciphering your cycle

I am Alix from Magic Ovaries, expert in menstrual cycles and symptomothermy, and founder of Magic Ovaries, a brand dedicated to raising awareness of menstrual health and symptomothermy support. To...

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Article sur l'endométriose post-partum - Gapianne

How to deal with postpartum endometritis

In recent years, endometriosis has been a gynecological disease that is gaining visibility. And for good reason: this endometrial disease, until now little known and difficult to diagnose, affects ...

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Congeler ses ovocytes en France gratuitement
Congélation d'ovocytes

Comment et pourquoi congeler ses ovocytes ?

Depuis quand la procédure pour congeler ses ovocytes existe-t-elle et pourquoi ? Depuis août 2021, les femmes en France peuvent congeler leurs ovocytes sans raison médicale gratuitement. Cette tech...

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Article : Peut-on traiter une vaginose naturellement ? - Gapianne
Flore vaginale

Can we treat vaginosis naturally?

Often neglected, the health of the vaginal flora is one of the most important aspects of female well-being. Among its disorders, we find bacterial vaginosis which is at the top of the list! As a r...

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Article Gapianne : tout savoir sur la contraception naturelle

Everything you need to know about natural contraception

Are you tired of hormonal contraceptives, your intrauterine device or even condoms, while remaining aware of the importance of protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? A...

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Article de Gapianne sur les 5 produits naturels à utiliser pour lutter contre la sécheresse intime
sécheresse intime

Treating intimate dryness: 5 natural products to discover

Intimate dryness, also called vaginal dryness, is a lack of lubrication of the vagina which causes pain, on a daily basis and during sexual intercourse. This condition requires consulting your doct...

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Article Gapianne sur une sélection des 8 meilleurs soins intimes naturels
soin intime

The best products for your intimate toilet

Itching, intimate dryness, mycoses, vaginosis, so many discomforts that women experience at least once in their lives. Some are more prone to it than others and it can quickly become uncomfortable,...

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Article Gapianne sur l'hydratation de la vulve avec des produits naturels
soin intime

How to moisturize my vulva naturally?

Over the years, one observation has emerged with disturbing clarity: education about women's health and well-being, particularly with regard to care of the vulva, has been largely neglected. Many o...

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Que faire en cas de sécheresse intime ? - article de Gapianne
sécheresse intime

Intimate dryness: understand, prevent and treat it naturally

Intimate health, crucial for overall well-being, is often surrounded by silence and taboos. Among the little-discussed but widely prevalent topics is intimate dryness , a problem affecting approxim...

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Stop à la chute de cheveux post-partum - article Gapianne

Limit postpartum hair loss effectively and promote its regrowth

Welcome to a new phase of motherhood: the postpartum period, a time of joy, discovery, but also unexpected challenges, one of which is particularly common but little talked about: postpartum hair l...

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Article Gapianne - Rééducation du périnée : passez enfin au biofeedback

Re-educate your perineum effectively with biofeedback

Perineal health, often neglected in general discussions about well-being, nevertheless plays a crucial role in women's quality of life. From childbirth to age-related changes to various surgical pr...

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article sur l'endométrite post partum de Gapianne

A Complete Guide to Endometritis

Less known than endometriosis, endometritis also affects the endometrium. Indeed, endometritis is an infection of the uterus which affects this mucous membrane which develops on the uterine wall wi...

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Prévenir et trouver des solutions à la fatigue post-partum - article Gapianne

How to prevent postpartum fatigue?

The day after a birth, it is not unusual for young parents to often be exhausted. By the baby crying day and night, by the numerous family injunctions, by the stress, too. And as young mothers, it'...

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Article Gapianne Insomnie Post Partum : Comprendre, Surmonter et Retrouver un sommeil réparateur

Postpartum insomnia, finally get back to sleep

The arrival of a newborn into the family is a time of happiness and adjustments, but it can also be accompanied by challenges, one of the most common of which is postpartum insomnia . As new moms, ...

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Post-partum : comment retrouver un ventre plat ? Article Gapianne

Find a flat stomach after childbirth

The postpartum belly can be a delicate subject for some mothers. The postpartum period is a unique and transformative stage in a woman's life. This is the moment when you've given birth to a miracl...

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Article Gapianne sur l'allaitement et les bonnes pratiques pour le réussir au mieux

8 breastfeeding positions to try

At birth or a little before, you made the choice to breastfeed your baby and are now looking for the best breastfeeding position . Spoiler: there isn't one. Everything will depend on your baby, his...

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Article Gapianne sur les aliments favorisant la lactation pour l'allaitement

Galactogenic foods to stimulate lactation

Lactation, a process that is both natural and complex, plays a crucial role in the postnatal period, both for the health of the newborn and the well-being of the mother. In this context, the diet o...

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