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Meilleurs compléments alimentaires pour augmenter sa fertilité

Best food supplements to increase fertility

You are in a baby project with your partner. Whether these are the very first attempts or whether you have been involved in this project for a little longer, if you are here, you are certainly look...

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Ventre femme enceinte dans son bain

Pregnancy and sexuality: everything there is to know, without taboo!

Pregnancy is an intense period of upheaval, for our body, in our body, in our mind. It is therefore not surprising that upheavals occur during these nine months, particularly sexuality. If pregnan...

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Article Gapianne pour connaître les signes de fertilité des femmes
Cycle menstruel

What are the signs of fertility?

Whether you're on the cusp of a baby plan or trying to get pregnant, you 're probably wondering if you're fertile . There are two parts to answering this question. First, you need to know if you ar...

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Article sur la grossesse avec le SOPK - Gapianne

PCOS and baby plan: how to get pregnant despite everything

PCOS is the leading cause of female infertility in France. Although little known to the general public, this endocrine disorder impacts the fertility of menstruating people in different ways, notab...

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Prendre soin de soi après une fausse couche-Gapianne
Fausse couche

Taking care of yourself after a miscarriage: what follow-up?

Summary Symptoms: How do you know if you are having a miscarriage? What to do after a miscarriage? Taking time to grieve after a miscarriage Different ways to deal with a miscarria...

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Reconnaître les symptômes des SPM et ceux d’une grossesse

Recognizing the symptoms of PMS and pregnancy

Summary Why can PMS symptoms be confused with pregnancy? So, PMS or pregnancy? What to do if you are unsure about a possible pregnancy? Why can PMS symptoms be confused wit...

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Spotting de nidation, c’est quoi ?

What is nest spotting?

In the days following the fertilization of the egg by a sperm, one in three newly pregnant women may lose a few drops of blood . This is implantation spotting, also called implantation bleeding. It...

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Tout savoir sur les règles anniversaire

Everything you need to know about birthday period

Birthday period is the name given to bleeding that occurs in some pregnant people at the very beginning of pregnancy, during the first trimester. Birthday rules are “rules” in name only. Generally...

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Le masque de grossesse : ce qu’il faut savoir-Gapianne

The pregnancy mask: what you need to know

Many of you ask us questions about the pregnancy mask, so here are our answers to your questions on how and why some women develop a pregnancy mask, how to put the odds on your side to avoid it (es...

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L'avortement en France en 2022-Gapianne

Abortion in France in 2022

On Friday, June 24, Supreme Court justices overturned federal Roe v. Wade has guaranteed the right to abortion in the United States since 1973. Now each state can independently prohibit abortion (v...

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Comment muscler son périnée ?-Gapianne

How to strengthen your perineum? And why ?

The perineum, a word so often pronounced during pregnancy, in anticipation of childbirth. But do you really know what the perineum is for? And why is it important to strengthen the perineum when...

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Femmes enceintes : Quels cosmétiques utiliser pendant la grossesse ?-Gapianne

Pregnant women: Which cosmetics to use during pregnancy?

Today we caught up with Kenza Keller, founder of talm, the care brand for moms, during pregnancy and beyond. This clean care expert explains to us which products to use in your routine when you are...

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Boom vous ovulez, vous rayonnez-Gapianne

Why do I have a high libido when I ovulate?

Phase 3 of the cycle corresponds to ovulation , it takes place from D14 to D20 , it's the moment of all possibilities, the summer of the hormonal cycle, we shine ! What happens physiologically ...

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Comment muscler son périnée : La pratique Kegel en 6 leçons-Gapianne

Strengthen your perineum: Kegel exercises in 6 lessons

The perineum or pelvic floor is everyone's business (with or without children, at any age, and even you gentlemen!). This “hammock” of muscles supporting the abdominal organs deserves the most s...

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Le b.a.-ba du cycle : L'ovulation-Gapianne
Cycle hormonal

The basics of the cycle: Ovulation

Jess, Clem and the girls of Collectif Junon thrill Paris with their program of feminist and eclectic events, their eponymous blog since 2015 deconstructs the preconceived patterns of sexuality o...

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