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Ventre femme enceinte dans son bain

Pregnancy and sexuality: everything there is to know, without taboo!

Pregnancy is an intense period of upheaval, for our body, in our body, in our mind. It is therefore not surprising that upheavals occur during these nine months, particularly sexuality. If pregnan...

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Article Gapianne sur les différences entre périnée tonique et hypertonique

Tonic or hypertonic perineum? What differences?

A toned perineum is a healthy perineum that allows you to perform all of your bodily functions, including keeping organs in their place, urinary and fecal continence and sexual pleasure . If a weak...

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Article Gapianne qui compare les meilleurs appareils pour muscler son périnée

Comparison of the 3 best devices for strengthening the perineum

The perineum is a set of muscles, ligaments and fascia that extends in a hammock shape from the pubis to the coccyx and surrounds the vagina, bladder and sphincter. Its tone guarantees good health:...

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Article sur nos 8 conseils pour booster naturellement votre fertilité - Gapianne

8 tips to naturally boost your fertility

Here we go: the baby project is launched with your companion! Congratulations on this nice step in your love and family adventure! 🤩 Faced with this new project, you are wondering about solutions t...

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Article sur la grossesse avec le SOPK - Gapianne

PCOS and baby plan: how to get pregnant despite everything

PCOS is the leading cause of female infertility in France. Although little known to the general public, this endocrine disorder impacts the fertility of menstruating people in different ways, notab...

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Stop à la chute de cheveux post-partum - article Gapianne

Limit postpartum hair loss effectively and promote its regrowth

Welcome to a new phase of motherhood: the postpartum period, a time of joy, discovery, but also unexpected challenges, one of which is particularly common but little talked about: postpartum hair l...

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article sur l'endométrite post partum de Gapianne

A Complete Guide to Endometritis

Less known than endometriosis, endometritis also affects the endometrium. Indeed, endometritis is an infection of the uterus which affects this mucous membrane which develops on the uterine wall wi...

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Prévenir et trouver des solutions à la fatigue post-partum - article Gapianne

How to prevent postpartum fatigue?

The day after a birth, it is not unusual for young parents to often be exhausted. By the baby crying day and night, by the numerous family injunctions, by the stress, too. And as young mothers, it'...

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Article Gapianne Insomnie Post Partum : Comprendre, Surmonter et Retrouver un sommeil réparateur

Postpartum insomnia, finally get back to sleep

The arrival of a newborn into the family is a time of happiness and adjustments, but it can also be accompanied by challenges, one of the most common of which is postpartum insomnia . As new moms, ...

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Post-partum : comment retrouver un ventre plat ? Article Gapianne

Find a flat stomach after childbirth

The postpartum belly can be a delicate subject for some mothers. The postpartum period is a unique and transformative stage in a woman's life. This is the moment when you've given birth to a miracl...

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Article Gapianne sur les aliments favorisant la lactation pour l'allaitement

Galactogenic foods to stimulate lactation

Lactation, a process that is both natural and complex, plays a crucial role in the postnatal period, both for the health of the newborn and the well-being of the mother. In this context, the diet o...

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Article Gapianne - Dois-je allaiter ? Avantages et inconvénients de l’allaitement

The advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding

That's it, your pregnancy is coming to an end. You are asking yourself these famous questions that all mothers ask themselves: “Should I breastfeed or bottle feed my baby?”, “Which is best for him?...

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Article Gapianne sur les douleurs liées à l'allaitement, causes et solutions

I have pain when breastfeeding: causes and solutions

When your child was born, you made the choice to breastfeed. You wanted to know this experience and bring the best to your baby. After all, you offer him better nutrition, you share special moments...

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Retour de couche : tout savoir sur le retour des règles

Diaper return: everything you need to know about the return of periods

The return of diaper corresponds to the return of menstruation after childbirth. Often associated with the return of fertility – your menstrual cycle has resumed and you can become pregnant again –...

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Article sur les crevasses d'allaitement Gapianne

Everything you need to know about breastfeeding cracks

Choosing breastfeeding to feed your infant can be difficult to make, apply and maintain in the long term for young mothers. In addition to maternity professionals who may be circumspect and the bab...

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avis sur le tire lait Perifit Pump

Perifit pump: Review on the portable electric breast pump

For some people, breastfeeding can be a real challenge, especially when you need to go away, go back to work or when your baby has difficulty suckling directly from the breast. This is where the Pe...

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