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Article Gapianne pour connaître les signes de fertilité des femmes
Cycle menstruel

What are the signs of fertility?

Whether you're on the cusp of a baby plan or trying to get pregnant, you 're probably wondering if you're fertile . There are two parts to answering this question. First, you need to know if you are capable of having a child. Next, you need to spot your ovulation period. How do you know if you are fertile and can get pregnant? What are the signs of fertility? We talk about it in this article.

What are the signs that you can procreate?

Before even starting a baby project, it may be interesting for you to ask yourself if you are capable of procreating. We are not all equal when it comes to fertility: while some women are hyperfertile , others can take several years to have a child. Not to mention that the role of the partner is important too. In this first part, let's look at the signs that show that you should be able to procreate.

You have a regular menstrual cycle

The first sign that you should be fertile in general is having a regular menstrual cycle . The menstrual cycle is the bodily mechanism by which ovulation and conception is possible: this is why its occurrence is so important. A cycle of 28 to 35 days, a duration considered normal and regular, can be an indicator of regular ovulation and therefore fertility.

What if my cycle is irregular? If your cycle is irregular in length–especially right after stopping hormonal birth control–this does not necessarily mean that you are infertile. Different reasons, such as hormonal imbalance , can explain an irregular menstrual cycle. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor to find out more.

You have normal menstrual bleeding

The second sign that fertility should not be a problem is the presence of normal menstrual bleeding. “Normal” periods are periods that are neither too heavy nor too light, lasting 3 to 7 days.

What if my periods are abnormal? If your periods are heavy or light, we recommend that you read the dedicated articles in our blog. This does not necessarily mean that you will have difficulty getting pregnant. Consult a doctor for more information.

Your cervical mucus changes during the cycle

Cervical mucus has an important role in fertility. It acts alternately as a stopper or as a slide for sperm. If you notice differences in texture and color in your cervical mucus during your cycle, it's a sign of fertility.

What if my cervical mucus doesn't change? If you are on hormonal contraception, it is normal that your cervical mucus does not change in appearance. If you are not on contraception and you do not notice any difference in your cervical mucus, it may be worth talking to your doctor or gynecologist.

You feel your ovulation every month

Ovulation is THE sign par excellence that you are fertile. It's even THE sign that you are fertile NOW. Some women experience ovulation, including mild pain or discomfort on the side of the ovary that is ovulating, known as mittelschmerz. Other signs accompany ovulation: we will talk about them again in the second part of this article.

You are of childbearing age

Are you between 15 and 45 years old, have started your period and have not yet reached menopause? Then there is a good chance that you are fertile. Please note, however: fertility is particular at the ends of the childbearing age. Indeed, cycles are generally irregular at the very beginning of puberty and after the age of 35: this irregularity of cycles and ovulation can lead to sparse fertility.

You do not carry any disease

If you do not carry any disease identified as causing problems with fertility (we are thinking here in particular of obesity, cancer, endometriosis or PCOS ), there is a good chance that you are able to be pregnant. These diseases can indeed represent a barrier to fertility.

✋ If I am affected by one of these diseases? If you suffer from one of these illnesses, we recommend that you speak about your baby plan to your doctor, your gynecologist or the specialist doctor who is treating you. These professionals will be able to support you in your project and offer you solutions to increase your fertility, if necessary.

You have already become pregnant

If you have ever become pregnant in the past, and outside of an operation that could have affected your fertility, there is a good chance that you are still fertile today.

What are the signs that I am fertile today?

Fertility is linked to ovulation . This is because you are usually fertile in the days surrounding ovulation. This is why the signs that you are fertile during your cycle are very similar to the signs of ovulation .

Your ovulation day is approaching

If you track your cycles, manually or through a cycle tracking app , and they are regular, then you can calculate your ovulation day . The latter generally takes place 14 days before the onset of your period.

✋ What if my cycle is irregular? Calculating your ovulation in the event of an irregular cycle is more complicated – or even impossible. This is why you will have to rely on other signs of fertility. You can discover them below.

You have mild pelvic pain

One of the signs of ovulation – and therefore fertility – is pain caused by ovulation , called mittelschmerz. It is linked to the vessels which rupture when the egg detaches from the ovarian follicle which caused it to mature. It can be very mild or acute but is generally brief. Some women feel it.

You have very light bleeding

Ovulation can sometimes be accompanied by very light bleeding , resulting from the rupture of the blood vessels which connect the egg to its ovarian follicle. The latter is very light (a few drops) and does not last more than a day.

Your chest is a little sore

Chest pain is one of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome but also of ovulation. And for good reason: they can be linked to hormonal variations. If your breast is a little sore, then this may be a sign that you are currently fertile.

Your white discharge is similar to egg white

We mentioned it previously: cervical mucus , one of the white vaginal discharges , changes appearance under the influence of hormones involved in the menstrual cycle . Around ovulation, cervical mucus becomes clear, elastic and slippery. It is often compared to the consistency of egg white and indicates a period of high fertility.

Your basal temperature increases slightly

After ovulation, resting body temperature (called basal body temperature, BBT) may increase slightly and remain elevated until the end of the menstrual cycle. This is why it is interesting to take your TBC regularly (5 times a week) if you want to follow your ovulation.

🌈 On our e-shop, we offer you a basal body temperature thermometer from the Lady brand. It's linked to an app so you can record your temperature readings and track your ovulation.


I want this thermometer >

Your cervix is ​​higher

During the menstrual cycle, the cervix changes position and firmness. At the time of ovulation, the cervix becomes higher, softer and more open. You can feel it by touch, by inserting a finger into your vagina. Do this several times during your cycle to better understand the differences in the positioning of your vagina.

Your libido increases

Under the influence of raging hormones, some women experience an increase in their sexual desire during their fertile period. If you feel like your libido is increasing, it's possible that this is a sign that you are currently fertile.

Help! These signs don't speak to me!

Do only a few of the signs mentioned above speak to you? You don't see yourself in the list of these fertility signs and you fear being infertile after reading it? Or do you have all these signs but no pregnancy occurs despite your attempts?

Do not panic.

These signs are just signs – not truths

A woman with an irregular cycle may very well be hyperfertile while a woman with a cycle as regular as clockwork may have difficulty getting pregnant. Likewise, you may not experience an increased libido or ovulation and still be perfectly fertile.

Consult your doctor if in doubt

If you are worried and to ensure your fertility, do not hesitate to consult your doctor about this. Whether you are in the middle of a baby project or ahead of it, he will be able to answer your questions, reassure you and carry out examinations if he has any doubts.

Discover products that can increase your fertility

Did you know ? There are more and more products that can help you boost your fertility naturally alongside the solutions that your doctor will offer you. This, by acting on different aspects of fertility. On our Gapianne concept store, we offer you different products that can boost your fertility:

🌈 On our shop, we have chosen for you the Baby Boost food supplement treatment from the Boome brand. In its ingredients, you will find myo-inositol to improve the quality of oocytes and follicular growth, regulate menstrual cycles and promote ovulation.
Baby boost, Boome's food supplements to boost fertility

  • Opt for a lubricant compatible with sperm .
🌈 We love Ferti.lity's fertility booster lubricant , you'll find it on our site. It has the same properties as cervical mucus and helps maintain good sperm mobility unlike conventional lubricants. And of course, it ensures optimal comfort during intercourse.

    Hand holding a lubricating gel that increases the lifespan of the sperm to promote natural fertility and get pregnant with Fertilily with benefits

    I want this lube >

    • Adopt the fertility cup , a cup whose role is to retain sperm inside you after intercourse.
    🌈 On our shop, we have selected for you the Ferti.lity fertility cup in medical silicone and made in France. This device has been validated by gynecologists.
    Natural conception cup without hormones - Ferti.Lily-Ferti.Lily-Gapianne

      Fertility also comes from your partner and your compatibility

      And before concluding, don't forget that the fertility of your relationship depends on you, of course, but also on your partner and your compatibility. Talk to your partner about your doubts and urge him to see a doctor too to carry out the necessary tests in case of doubt about your fertility. You don't have to face these questions alone.

      There are many physical signs that can show you that you are fertile and capable of becoming pregnant. You can spot them by listening to your body on a daily basis. Writing down these symptoms in a notebook is interesting.

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