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Article sur nos 8 conseils pour booster naturellement votre fertilité - Gapianne

8 tips to naturally boost your fertility

Here we go: the baby project is launched with your companion! Congratulations on this nice step in your love and family adventure! 🤩 Faced with this new project, you are wondering about solutions to naturally boost your fertility and get pregnant more quickly. In today's article, we have cleared up for you the many tips for boosting your fertility naturally and we have selected the 8 most interesting tips for top fertility!

1. Prepare your mind

Taking the time to mentally prepare is a very important first step in a baby project. It is both essential to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally but also to better experience your pregnancy and motherhood.

Preparing your mind involves different stages and actions:

  • Consult a mental health professional: meeting a psychologist before such a project can be interesting to discuss your fears, your doubts or, on the contrary, your desires.
  • Attending workshops and conferences on pregnancy, motherhood and parenting: finding out more about what to expect and your vision of parenting together is a great way to prepare yourself.
  • Read parenting books: Books can be a good way to educate yourself about pregnancy, motherhood, and parenting.
  • Join maternity associations and groups: there are many associations for parents and future parents. This is particularly interesting if you have an illness that impacts your desire to have children: there are more and more associations for PCOS and endometriosis patients .

✋ Be careful though: projecting yourself as a pregnant woman and then as a mother can tend to put pressure on you. However, initial studies on stress and the desire to be pregnant have demonstrated: stress can have a negative impact on your baby plan (1) (29% less fertility). Even more, it can have the consequence of being unpleasant to live with and being burdensome for you on a daily basis during your tests.


2. Prepare your body

Your body and its proper functioning are essential when thinking about a baby project. They are what your fertility relies on after all.

See a doctor

The first step, when embarking on a baby project, may be to consult your doctor and/or your gynecologist. This is especially true if you have an illness that could slow down your plan or if you were using contraception (IUD to remove, pill to stop): they will be able to explain to you the potential repercussions of your illness and stopping the medication. contraception. Talking about your baby plan will also allow, if you are having difficulty conceiving, to set up examinations and other follow-ups more quickly.


Adopt a healthy lifestyle

If lifestyle, as is often the case, is not the only factor that will impact your fertility, the more you will have a healthy lifestyle (varied and unprocessed diet, practice of sport, restful sleep, elimination of harmful substances, etc.) , the more you increase your chances of getting pregnant.

♂️Please note and we will talk about it a little later in this article: this also applies to your companion ;) The better their lifestyle, the higher your chances of conceiving!


Play sports

Sport is an excellent tool for physical and mental health, and an ally for boosting fertility. It allows you to acquire a balance in life which is essential when getting pregnant but also after birth, to find your feet again. Are you hesitant to engage in sport because you fear having to stop if you become pregnant? Many sports are compatible with pregnancy (at least in the first months). This is the case for swimming, of course, but also for dancing, table tennis, fitness... Small downside on combat and contact sports (football, rugby, basketball) but you can continue training even pregnant !


Eat a balanced diet

Before even considering consuming certain foods and nutrients rather than others to boost your fertility, know that a varied and balanced diet is your first ally . Beyond this variety, raw, unprocessed products are also to be favored.


Foods to adopt to get pregnant naturally

🚀 To go further, it is interesting to know that to increase your chances of conceiving a child, there are certain nutritional values ​​to recommend and others to limit:

  • Foods with a high glycemic index (high GI), highly processed and containing refined sugars (sodas, white flour, etc.) should be limited. Their consumption leads to significant secretion of insulin by the pancreas, but it has been shown that repeated hyperinsulinemia harms ovulation;
  • Conversely , foods with a low glycemic index (low GI) (whole grain cereals and flours, dried vegetables, fruits, vegetables, agave syrup) are preferred;
  • Foods rich in fiber are interesting because they help regulate the assimilation of sugar and carbohydrates by the body (limiting this hyperinsulinemia);
  • Omega-3s are important for the functioning of our body and our reproductive system! Don't delete them! Prefer olive, rapeseed, walnut or flax oil and margarines rich in omega-3 to other fats.
  • Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is essential for women of childbearing age. This vitamin contributes in particular to the smooth running of the menstrual cycle, consequently also to that of ovulation and conception... Supplementing can be interesting if you are lacking.
  • Caffeine is a stimulant to limit when conceiving and during pregnancy. While no studies exist on the effects of caffeine on fertility, most health experts recommend limiting caffeine intake to around 200-300 milligrams per day, equivalent to about one cup of coffee. Warning: there is also caffeine in matcha, tea and even mate.

    3. Limit behaviors that lower your chances

    Certain behaviors and substances have the effect of reducing your chances of getting pregnant. This is the case for alcohol, tobacco, sugar and obesity. Remember that there are two people involved in a pregnancy: these behaviors must be limited just as much in you as in your partner.


    Stop drinking

    Although it is known that alcohol is harmful during pregnancy, a Danish study from 2004 showed that alcohol consumption before the conception of a child had an impact (2) on fertility. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of spontaneous abortion in a very young pregnancy by 2 to 3 times.

    ♂️In men, alcohol consumption increases the risk of spontaneous abortion by 1 to 5 times, according to the same study.


    Stop smoking

    Likewise, while it is known that smoking has an impact on the fetus (3) during its development, it also has consequences on ovulation, fertilization and embryo implantation in women. This is why it is essential to consider quitting smoking even before the conception stage of a child.

    ♂️In men, smoking also has an impact on fertility! A man who smokes has less efficient sperm (slower, fewer). A link between childhood cancer and paternal smoking has been established.


    Maintain your weight

    Maternal overweight and obesity are important factors of infertility . The ideal body mass index (BMI) for getting pregnant is between 18.5 and 25. Studies show that a BMI between 25 and 27 increases the risk of infertility by 30% and that a BMI greater than 27 triples the risk of anovulatory infertility.

    ♂️In men too, obesity (BMI greater than 30) impairs fertility: it acts both on hormones (quantity and quality of sperm) and on testicular warming (abdominal fat can have the effect of warming the warming testicles thereby lowering sperm quality).


    Avoid excess sugar

    In addition to being linked in part to obesity – itself a source of infertility, sugar consumption (and particularly refined sugar consumption) is harmful to fertility. The repeated hyperinsulinaemia caused by its consumption can indeed affect your fertility and this is why you should limit it.


    4. Regulate your menstrual cycle

    The smooth running of the menstrual cycle is, as you probably suspect, essential to fertility and conception. While it is possible to get pregnant despite an irregular menstrual cycle, it will be easier for you to know when you are fertile and to get pregnant if your cycle is regular . Let's review together solutions to regulate your menstrual cycle and the factors that contribute to its disruption .

    ♥️ Don't beat yourself up if your cycle is naturally irregular. It is normal for some women to have an irregular cycle with differences in length of up to 9 days! If this is your case, do not hesitate to consult a gynecologist to check that everything is going well and learn to recognize your fertility window other than just by counting the days – there are many clues that can help you, we'll talk about them later. !


    Regulate your menstrual cycle

    There are several solutions to influence the regularity of your menstrual cycle. We offer them on our site:

    🌈 On our shop, we have selected for you the Baby Boost food supplement treatment from the Boome brand. Its ingredients include myo-inositol to improve the quality of oocytes and follicular growth, regulate menstrual cycles and promote ovulation.

      Baby boost, Boome's food supplements to boost fertility

      I want these supplements


      Promote a healthy lifestyle

      The menstrual cycle can be disrupted by various factors which we partly talked about a little earlier when we talked about lifestyle (taking toxic substances, excess sugar or even lack of sleep are harmful to regularity). of the menstrual cycle!).


      Avoid stressful situations

      Stress is one of the factors that disrupts the menstrual cycle and ovulation . The more stressful situations you experience, whether occasional or chronic, the more you risk disrupting your cycle.

      ✋ It is important that you are aware of this information so as not to worry if your cycle changes, however it is a little complicated to banish stress from our lives and for good reason: we rarely decide on stressful situations that we 'we meet !


      Avoid endocrine disruptors

      Molecules recognized as endocrine disruptors act on our hormones and could, therefore, impact the menstrual cycle, although studies are not yet clear and definitive on this subject. If you want to get pregnant naturally, knowing them and limiting them could be interesting, although your exposure to them throughout your life could also play a role.


      Be careful when traveling

      Did you know ? Travel plays a role in disruptions to the menstrual cycle. This is due to changes in our habits and schedules (especially when there is a time difference). This is important for you to know if you're tracking your menstrual cycle, although we don't recommend putting all your current plans on hold during the conception phase.


      5. Learn to recognize your fertility window

      It is certainly THE most effective way to boost your fertility naturally: knowing your body and the signs it sends you to tell you that ovulation has occurred and that pregnancy is possible is the best way to increase your chances of getting pregnant! To do this, we have several steps and tools for you!


      Track your cycle

      The first step/solution to tracking your cycle and knowing your fertile window is to track your cycle with a tracking app , such as Clue. These applications allow you to track your cycle based on the information you give it and calculate your ovulation and your fertile period . Depending on the paid plan and the application, they adapt to you and give you personalized information.

      ✋ If you have very irregular cycles, this method may not be sufficient to calculate the days in which you can get pregnant . In this case, we recommend adding other tools.


      Track your basal body temperature

      In the days before and after your ovulation, your basal body temperature (BBT) changes . TBC is the lowest temperature reached by the body at rest, generally during sleep. Tracking your basal temperature allows you to precisely determine the days on which you are fertile.

      🌈 To take your basal body temperature, we recommend that you opt for a basal thermometer, suitable for this precise measurement. We have selected the Lady brand basal thermometer for you for its ease of use. It is provided with a menstrual tracking notebook to allow you to note your various observations.

      ✋ This method is effective but requires rigor (it is necessary to take your temperature 5 times a week for precise monitoring).


      I want this thermometer


      Observe your cervical mucus

      Cervical mucus is the mucus that is expelled from your vagina throughout your cycle. It is associated with white discharge , of which it is part. Cervical mucus observation methods are used and known to determine imminent ovulation and help to get pregnant or as natural contraception .

      Cervical mucus has an important role in the menstrual cycle since it serves in turn as a natural lubricant to facilitate access to sperm and as a plug to block them–depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. This is why it is very interesting to know how to observe it: abundant and translucent cervical mucus, similar to egg white, is the sign of ovulation in progress or just completed: you are fertile.


      Discovering symptomothermy

      Last but not least tool to track your ovulation precisely: symptomothermy . As its name indicates, this method combines both the study of the symptoms of ovulation and therefore of nearby fertility (observation of mucus, pain in the ovaries and ovulation , etc.) and the monitoring of temperature basal body.

      This method is the most precise for increasing your chances of getting pregnant since it invites you to question all the signs sent by your body to tell you that you are ovulating.


      6. Increase the odds when reporting

      Do you know when your intercourse is most likely to result in pregnancy? This is a first step to promote conception 😉 But know that there are other actions that you can put in place to further boost your chances.

      Pay attention to your lubricant

      Did you know ? Some lubricants can have a spermicidal action. Using them during intercourse will then tend to reduce the lifespan and speed of sperm and therefore reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

      Instead, opt for a sperm-compatible lubricant!

      🌈 This is the case of the Ferti.lity fertility booster lubricant that we have selected for you on our site. It has the same properties as cervical mucus and helps maintain good sperm mobility unlike conventional lubricants, while ensuring comfort during intercourse.

      Conception Cup Pack & Fertility Lubricating Gel - FertiLily-Gapianne

      I want this lube


      Adopt a fertility cup

      You don't want to/don't have the time to lie on your back for several minutes after intercourse to help the sperm move towards the inside of your vagina? What if you opted for the fertility cup?

      The fertility cup is placed in the vagina after sexual intercourse with ejaculation inside the vagina. Its shape allows more sperm to be brought to the cervix and protected from the acidic pH of the vagina. Thus three times more sperm pass through the entrance to the cervix.

      🌈 On our shop, we have spotted and selected for you the Ferti.lity fertility cup in medical silicone and made in France. This device has been validated by gynecologists.

      Natural conception cup without hormones - Ferti.Lily-Ferti.Lily-Gapianne

      I want this cup


      7. Take your companion with you

      In preparing this article and conducting our research, one point stood out to us. Arrested. Shocked. Fertility and fertility boosting are issues raised most often by women for women.

      OR two people are involved when creating a child.

      We have mentioned it a few times in this article (in particular on the substances to avoid having real repercussions on fertility) but men and therefore your partner also have things to do to naturally boost the fertility of your couple.

      It is therefore essential, when looking for solutions to get pregnant naturally, to take your partner with you in your research and reflections. We do not recommend that you carry the weight of this project alone. ****On the one hand because it risks making you feel extremely guilty if the baby project takes time. And on the other hand because there are two of you and the actions of your companion also count. Finally, if you are having difficulty conceiving, your partner will also need to meet a doctor (do a spermogram, check your compatibility)... So you might as well involve them in these questions from the start!


      8. Consult a fertility gynecologist

      Consulting a health professional at the start of your baby project journey is a great idea. Whether it is your treating physician or your reference gynecologist, you will have their feedback concerning important information (potential effects of your past contraception, expected delays, potential consequences of your medical situation, etc.).

      But know, and we will end this article on fertility on this point, that there are also gynecologists specializing in fertility . If you have reason to believe that your baby plan may be complicated (specific illnesses, obesity, miscarriages, etc.) and that your relationship requires reassurance and support, do not hesitate to make an appointment with these professionals specialized. They will be able to give you the necessary advice to boost your fertility and, if necessary, prescribe additional tests to help you better.

      Embarking on a baby project is a sublime project to carry out with your traveling companion. To carry it out successfully and increase your chances of getting pregnant, there are several tips and techniques to boost fertility whose effectiveness is supported by science. Even more, we can only recommend that you do not undertake this journey alone and move forward with your companion and your reference health professional.


      1. Does stress reduce the chances of getting pregnant?
      2. Alcohol consumption at the time of conception and spontaneous
      3. Tobacco harms sexuality and pregnancy

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