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Article Gapianne sur la fatigue pendant la ménopause

Menopause and fatigue: a symptom as impactful as it is neglected

People who menstruate all go through perimenopause before experiencing menopause, the period when the menstrual cycle stops. As menstruators, we have a limited number of eggs that our ovarian follicles can produce: when this is reached, it is menopause. This stage is therefore completely natural and yet, the understanding of menopause and its symptoms is still relatively poorly developed and communicated. Physical fatigue (and by extension, moral fatigue) is thus one of the most common symptoms of perimenopause and menopause and is often neglected. In today's article, together we decipher the reasons why menopause makes us tired and the solutions to relieve menopausal fatigue.


Points to remember:

  • Perimenopause makes us tired due to hormonal fluctuations, while menopause makes us exhausted due to low levels of sex hormones in our body. Even more so, the other symptoms are also distressing.
  • Menopausal fatigue is something to worry about when your quality of life is impacted. Consultation is important.
  • To reduce fatigue linked to menopause, several actions can be taken in addition to consulting a professional.
  • Treatments to manage menopausal fatigue consist of treating the quality of sleep and the causes of the problem, in particular via hormonal treatment for menopause (6% of women take this treatment).

    Why does menopause make us tired?

    Many women, as they approach or during menopause, report the increasing fatigue they feel. Indeed, fatigue is one of the symptoms of menopause as well as one of the consequences of other menopausal symptoms.


    Hormonal fluctuations of perimenopause

    During perimenopause, this period of two to four years during which periods gradually stop, fatigue is a direct consequence of the hormonal changes that take place in the bodies of menstruating people. As the levels of sex hormones are strongly linked to the ovulation they cause, they are impacted by the occurrence or not of ovulation. These irregular hormone levels cause fluctuations that can be tiring and cannot be regulated.


    Low progesterone levels of menopause

    Once perimenopause has passed and the menstrual cycle has definitively stopped, hormonal levels are at their lowest. Estrogens and progesterone are present in very low quantities in the body which can be the cause, in some women, of great fatigue. Like the fatigue that some women experience during the luteal phase (phase of the menstrual cycle during which progesterone gradually declines).


    Consequence of menopausal symptoms

    Last source of fatigue during perimenopause and menopause: menopausal symptoms . These periods are marked by different symptoms such as joint and muscle pain, changes in mood and stress, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, breast pain , etc. In summary, these symptoms can disrupt sleep - the famous insomnia of menopause - leading to fatigue and causing physical and mental exhaustion. It's not easy to be constantly stressed or in pain! The body is on alert, causing increased fatigue.


    Is fatigue a symptom that all menopausal women experience?

    As is often the case when we talk about female intimacy and symptoms, there is neither truth nor generality. In other words, it is impossible to say that all menopausal women experience fatigue because of their perimenopause or menopause.

    We can only specify that, according to studies carried out by Inserm, 87% of women present at least one symptom of menopause in addition to the cessation of periods. And among them, 20 to 25% suffer from severe disorders that affect their quality of life.


    When should I worry, how can I get help?

    We mentioned it: fatigue during menopause can be caused by your hormones as well as by the symptoms of menopause. Because we can consider it “normal” to be tired (by our lives, by the symptoms of menopause, etc.), consulting for fatigue is sometimes complicated. We tell ourselves that it will pass, that it’s nothing… So when should we worry? Should we wait until we feel extreme fatigue during menopause to consult?


    When to consult?

    Our recommendation is as follows: consult when fatigue impacts your quality of life. Are you no longer able to combine your work and private life because of fatigue? Can't concentrate anymore? Are you no longer able to sleep or are you constantly waking up because of hot flashes or pain? Do you have the feeling of being diminished or even like a zombie wandering aimlessly? Consult.


    Who to consult?

    Talk to your doctor and/or a gynecologist. These professionals are specialists and will first be able to ensure that fatigue is indeed linked to your menopause and not to another pathology, physical or mental. They will also be able to carry out examinations and check your health and the causes of this fatigue, before offering you solutions.


    How to prevent menopausal fatigue?

    Know that there are several solutions to prevent and reduce menopausal fatigue .

    See a doctor

    The first solution, as we have just told you about, consists of consulting a doctor when fatigue proves too strong and prevents you from functioning normally. If you feel that you can no longer do what you did before because of excessive fatigue, consulting a general practitioner or your gynecologist is interesting.

    These health professionals will carry out the necessary examinations to assess your menopause (in particular the level of your sex hormones which are partly responsible for your fatigue and your other symptoms) and will verify that this fatigue is not linked to other factors – mental health in difficulty, difficult professional environment and so on.


    Take treatment, if applicable

    To mitigate the impact of hormonal variations on the body during perimenopause and menopause, there are now hormonal treatments . These aim to relieve symptoms linked to hormonal deficits and variations. If your healthcare professional recommends that you take treatment and prescribes it for you, taking hormonal treatment is interesting.


    Request a professional leave

    Requesting time off work (or accepting it if it is offered to you), particularly in the event of extreme fatigue linked to your menopause, can be a solution to help you recharge your batteries and move forward! Fatigue often builds up and you may have difficulty getting back into shape, even if you take a little more time for yourself: taking a break may be the solution.


    Taking care of your mental health

    Although it is natural, perimenopause is nonetheless a pivotal period in a woman's life. It is a clear and physical sign of aging and it can, in addition, for some of us, be a real mourning, as a mourning of fertility and motherhood. Perimenopause is thus a period of fundamental questioning, a period of search for meaning. So it's no surprise that your mental health can be affected during this time, beyond the fatigue, mood swings and anxiety that can be brought on by hormonal fluctuations. This is why it may be interesting, during this period, to take care of your mental health, in particular by contacting a psychologist. We have grouped together, in our directory, several professionals acclaimed by our community.


    Treating Other Menopausal Symptoms

    Menopausal fatigue is often caused by other symptoms of menopause, including night sweats and anxiety disorders that make it difficult to fall asleep and sleep soundly. Treating these symptoms can be essential to regain more restful sleep and thus overcome menopausal fatigue. To this end, hormonal treatments can reduce symptoms, as can other natural treatments specific to the symptoms:

    • Reduce chest pain, our answer: 🌈 Tits Party breast pain treatment from the Nideco brand. This very fresh gel can be applied with a delicate massage on the chest to relieve pain. And for even more effects: put it cool in your fridge!


    Soothing treatment for breast pain Tits Party - Nideco-Gapianne

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    • To reduce stress and mood fluctuations during menopause, our solution: 🌈 the Happy Cycle infusion from the Miyé brand relieves your emotions and gives you relief. Composed of raspberry leaves, yarrow, blackcurrant and tarragon, it helps you balance your mood and respond to the various inconveniences of menopause.


    Infusion to relieve pain rule infused in a teapot and with a Miyé tea bag

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    • Limit hot flashes and night sweats, our favorites:


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        • 🌈 And if evening primrose oil isn't enough / doesn't work for you, we also spotted the Bodhea brand mouth spray . Result of a combination of three plants finely selected with the help of certified naturopaths, it helps avoid certain physical and emotional inconveniences of menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, headaches, stress, irritability.. .


      Bodhea's oral spray which works to better experience menopause

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      Adopt a healthier lifestyle

      Living the healthiest lifestyle possible will have positive repercussions on your health and your symptoms related to menopause. Promote a varied diet and good hydration, limit the stimulants (tea, coffee and alcohol) you consume, reduce (or better, stop) smoking: all these actions will help your body better manage menopause and its consequences.

      ✋ Let us remember here that the symptoms of menopause are not only linked to lifestyle but also to luck, genetics and even medical history. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can have a positive influence like no other: in other words, don't feel guilty if you don't manage to apply everything. ♥️


      Accept fatigue and slow down

      Feeling tired – because of menopause, from your life, from your job, from special events – can be completely natural. Menopause is a period of life when vitality can decrease a little and the past life weighs a little on the shoulders. Accepting the presence of fatigue and agreeing to slow down a little can then prove to be saving. It is possible that you can no longer, physically and/or mentally, cope with the rhythm of your past years. And it's not necessarily serious. Maybe it's just your body's way of asking you to slow down a little so you can enjoy your life more. Choose the activities that really matter to you, learn to say “no”, select the projects in which you really want to invest yourself… Slowing down also means refocusing on what really matters ♥️


      What treatments exist to manage menopausal fatigue?

      To manage menopausal fatigue, there are symptomatic treatments – which consist in particular of promoting sleep – and substantive treatments – which consist of acting on the cause of menopausal fatigue (the drop in sex hormone levels).


      Treatments to facilitate sleep

      To manage fatigue , getting back to sleep can be a solution. To do this, you can use molecules that can help you. Before using the latter, however, remember to seek the advice of your doctor, especially if you are also taking a basic treatment (drug interactions can prevent the different molecules from taking effect).

      • CBD :

      Cannabidiol (CBD) is a molecule derived from the flowers of one of the hemp species. It has several effects on the body, including the ability to facilitate sleep by acting on both falling asleep and the reasons that can prevent you from falling asleep (pain, etc.).

      🌈 On our e-shop, we have a crush on Sommeil herbal tea from the Mijane brand. Composed of Chamomile, Lemon Verbena and CBD, it promotes falling asleep and restful sleep.


      CBD infusion - Sleep - Mijane-Gapianne

      I want this CBD infusion >


      • Melatonin:

      Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by our body which regulates biological rhythms: a deficiency in this hormone can lead to insomnia. Supplementing can be a natural solution to sleep better.

      • Sleeping pills:

      Hypnotics, commonly called sleeping pills, are medications that make it easier to sleep. They help you fall asleep and can also help maintain sleep, when their duration of action is long enough. The most prescribed are part of the benzodiazepine and related family. They will be given to you on prescription, upon prescription from your doctor. Generally, they are used for short periods of time, to treat occasional insomnia and their use is not recommended beyond 28 days.


      Hormonal treatment for menopause (THM)

      Menopausal hormone treatment (MHT) combines, in short, estrogen and progestin to respond to the drop in the levels of these two hormones in the body of postmenopausal people. It may be prescribed when symptoms are severe and impact your quality of life.

      In France, only 6% of women take THM according to Inserm . Indeed, this treatment carries significant risks and requires weighing the pros and cons with your doctor based on the intensity of your menopausal symptoms, your overall state of health and your individual risks. Before any prescription, a medical assessment, a clinical examination and a mammogram are necessary, and the treatment must be reassessed with your doctor, at least , every year.


      Benefit of the treatment

      The effectiveness of THM has been proven on:

      • reduction of climacteric disorders: THM reduces the annoying symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue) and genitourinary disorders;
      • reduction of bone risks: by preserving bone density and microarchitecture, THM is the only treatment today that limits the progression towards osteoporosis. It has been proven to reduce the risk of bone fractures by 30-40%, even in low-risk women.
      • increased life expectancy: taking THM was associated with a 30% reduction in overall mortality in postmenopausal women treated between the ages of 50 and 60. This is because menopause increases cardiovascular mortality.

        Limitations of treatment

        It is impossible to talk about THM without mentioning the controversy associated with it.

        Indeed, THM was widely criticized in 2002, following the publication of the American WHI (Women Health Study). She mentioned its association with an increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular pathologies (heart attack, stroke, venous thrombosis).

        Since then, observations and other studies have tempered these results – and even sanctioned this study, for which the authors have apologized. This study was in fact carried out on women treated for the most part more than 10 years after the start of their menopause: they presented few menopausal symptoms with the exception of cardiovascular risk and the aim was to improve their overall aging. Furthermore, the THM studied in this study used molecules which are not used in France.

        The results of the 2002 WHI study are no longer relevant today, but we can recognize that they have allowed us to take a step back from the treatment. Treatment is no longer given automatically but only to women who need it after studying the risk/benefit for the patient.



        More than an e-concept store dedicated to women and their intimacy, Gapianne aims to highlight the problems encountered by women in their intimacy: menopause is one of them.

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