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Article Gapianne sur la fatigue pendant la ménopause

Menopause and fatigue: a symptom as impactful as it is neglected

People who menstruate all go through perimenopause before experiencing menopause, the period when the menstrual cycle stops. As menstruators, we have a limited number of eggs that our ovarian folli...

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Article Gapianne sur les solutions contre les douleurs mammaires à la ménopause
Cycle hormonal

Menopause and breast pain? Natural treatments to no longer suffer

Did you think you had gotten rid of hormonal discomfort once your menstrual cycles were over? Missed. As menopause approaches or once it has started, you regularly experience breast pain. Your brea...

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Congeler ses ovocytes en France gratuitement
Congélation d'ovocytes

Comment et pourquoi congeler ses ovocytes ?

Depuis quand la procédure pour congeler ses ovocytes existe-t-elle et pourquoi ? Depuis août 2021, les femmes en France peuvent congeler leurs ovocytes sans raison médicale gratuitement. Cette tech...

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Article Gapianne sur les règles et fatigue - Quelles sont les causes et comment y remédier ?
Cycle menstruel

Fatigue and periods: how are they linked and how to respond?

Among the many symptoms that affect women shortly before and during their periods, we very regularly find fatigue. The latter has several explanations, such as difficulty sleeping during your perio...

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huile d'onagre oestrogènes
Cycle menstruel

How does evening primrose oil influence estrogen balance and menstrual cycles?

Evening primrose oil , renowned for its therapeutic properties, has long been popular with many women looking for natural solutions for hormonal imbalances. Derived from the seeds of the evening ...

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Comment les hormones façonnent le rythme du cycle menstruel ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

How do hormones shape the rhythm of the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle of menstruating people recurs every month throughout their fertile period, from puberty to menopause. The menstrual cycle is masterfully orchestrated by female hormones. Estroge...

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Règles humeur dépressive
Cycle menstruel

How do menstrual cycles impact our mood?

Every month, many women or people with ovaries go through a hormonal dance that influences more than just their fertility. Menstrual cycles, with their complex hormonal fluctuations , play a signif...

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Dérèglement hormonal chez les femmes : causes, symptômes et solutions-Gapianne
Cycle hormonal

Hormonal imbalance in women: causes, symptoms and solutions

Often rightly associated with premenstrual syndrome, hormonal imbalance in women is also the cause of various disorders, such as weight gain, difficulty getting pregnant and carrying a child. Link...

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Le masque de grossesse : ce qu’il faut savoir-Gapianne

The pregnancy mask: what you need to know

Many of you ask us questions about the pregnancy mask, so here are our answers to your questions on how and why some women develop a pregnancy mask, how to put the odds on your side to avoid it (es...

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Cycle hormonal des femmes : les 5 étapes de grands changements hormonaux-Gapianne
Cycle hormonal

Women's hormonal cycle: the 5 stages of major hormonal changes

Throughout our lives, we encounter fluctuations in our hormonal system that will impact us and our body on a daily basis. We often hear about the "female" cycle , but we prefer to talk about menstr...

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Et la pilule, on en parle ?-Gapianne

And the pill, are we talking about it?

Jess, Clem and the girls of Collectif Junon thrill Paris with their program of feminist and eclectic events, their eponymous blog since 2015 deconstructs the preconceived patterns of sexuality of ...

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Les hormones dites "féminines"-Gapianne
Cycle hormonal

So-called "female" hormones

Jess, Clem and the girls of Collectif Junon thrill Paris with their program of feminist and eclectic events, their eponymous blog since 2015 deconstructs the preconceived patterns of sexuality o...

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