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Meilleurs compléments alimentaires pour atténuer les symptômes de la ménopause
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Best Dietary Supplements to Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Menopause, preceded by the perimenopause period, corresponds to a rather disruptive transition time for menstruating people and for good reason: our menstrual cycles and periods stop. A period of t...

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Article Gapianne sur les pertes blanches à la ménopause

White discharge during menopause

Is it normal to still have white discharge during menopause? Why and what do they look like? What are the abnormal discharges during menopause and when should you be concerned and consult? White di...

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Insomnie et ménopause

Insomnia and menopause: how to get back to sleep?

Your period has stopped and with it, your ability to fall asleep easily. For some time now, you've been tossing and turning in your bed, wondering, waking up in the middle of the night... in short...

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Phytothérapie et ménopause : les plantes à connaître - article Gapianne

Phytotherapy: plants that relieve the symptoms of menopause

It's no secret that the power of plants to improve female well-being, and more broadly, is very real. That's why we're excited to bring you our guide to using herbs to relieve menopause symptoms . ...

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Article Gapianne sur la fatigue pendant la ménopause

Menopause and fatigue: a symptom as impactful as it is neglected

People who menstruate all go through perimenopause before experiencing menopause, the period when the menstrual cycle stops. As menstruators, we have a limited number of eggs that our ovarian folli...

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huile d'onagre et bienfaits sur la ménopause - article Gapianne

Discover evening primrose oil to relieve your menopause symptoms

Hot flashes, night sweats, menstrual cramps, intimate dryness, reduced libido: the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause (this period of a few years preceding menopause) can be particularly uncom...

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Article sur la naturopathie comme aide lors de la ménopause - Gapianne

Managing your menopause with naturopathy: is it possible?

A period of hormonal upheaval and various inconveniences and discomforts for many menstruating people, menopause has no real treatment other than taking hormones to limit its impact and symptomati...

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Article Gapianne sur les solutions contre les douleurs mammaires à la ménopause
Cycle hormonal

Menopause and breast pain? Natural treatments to no longer suffer

Did you think you had gotten rid of hormonal discomfort once your menstrual cycles were over? Missed. As menopause approaches or once it has started, you regularly experience breast pain. Your brea...

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Article Gapianne sur les différences entre périnée tonique et hypertonique

Tonic or hypertonic perineum? What differences?

A toned perineum is a healthy perineum that allows you to perform all of your bodily functions, including keeping organs in their place, urinary and fecal continence and sexual pleasure . If a weak...

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Article Gapianne qui compare les meilleurs appareils pour muscler son périnée

Comparison of the 3 best devices for strengthening the perineum

The perineum is a set of muscles, ligaments and fascia that extends in a hammock shape from the pubis to the coccyx and surrounds the vagina, bladder and sphincter. Its tone guarantees good health:...

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Article Gapianne sur les ballonnements à la ménopause

Prevention solutions and treatments for bloating during menopause

Menopause is a significant period of transition in a woman's life, marked by the cessation of menstruation and the end of fertility. This natural process is accompanied by a whole series of physic...

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How to recognize intimate dryness?

Intimate dryness affects one in six people with vulvas and one in two people with vulvas after menopause. This is a medical condition in which the vagina fails to regulate its natural moistening. ...

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Quels sont les douleurs et symptômes liés à la ménopause ?

What are the pains and symptoms linked to menopause?

In menstruating people, the decade between the ages of 45 and 55 is marked by a gradual decline in egg production: this is menopause. In addition to being a sometimes complicated period to live thr...

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le désert pour illustrer la Sécheresse intime pendant la ménopause : Traitements naturels efficaces

Intimate dryness during menopause: Effective natural treatments

Did you know that intimate dryness affects 1 in 5 women before menopause and 1 in 2 after menopause? And yes, you are not the only one affected by this problem! Menopause is a normal stage in a wom...

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image de 2 directions pour illustrer la différence entre la ménopause et la péroménopause

Pre-menopause and Menopause: what is the difference?

A woman's life is marked by milestones (and many milestones!) and the period leading up to menopause, called pre-menopause (or perimenopause) is one of them. Pre-menopause and menopause are natu...

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Les 6 principaux symptomes de la menopause-Gapianne

The 6 main symptoms of menopause

Menopause is a natural transition period in the life of a woman and a person with a vulva. It marks the end of fertility and is accompanied by significant hormonal changes . Still taboo, there i...

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Changer de regard et mieux comprendre la ménopause et la périménopause-Gapianne

Change your outlook and better understand menopause and perimenopause

As we know, the body and the balance of women are in perpetual evolution, both during their cycles, but also throughout their lives. All people with ovaries go through a process of perimenopause ma...

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