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Article Gapianne sur les pertes blanches à la ménopause

White discharge during menopause

Is it normal to still have white discharge during menopause? Why and what do they look like? What are the abnormal discharges during menopause and when should you be concerned and consult? White discharge is a taboo subject for many of you and this does not change with menopause. However, during this period, the white discharge changes enormously! In this article*, we have gathered all the questions you asked us about white discharge and menopause and we help you better understand your vaginal discharge.

What you must remember

  • The white discharge changes appearance at menopause because the discharge linked to the menstrual cycle (cervical mucus in particular) disappears, leaving only the discharge linked to the natural hydration and cleaning of the vagina.
  • Vaginal dryness , sexually transmitted infections , vaginal yeast infections or even atrophic vaginitis can lead to abnormal discharge. They are often accompanied by other symptoms.
  • To take care of your private parts and prevent abnormal white discharge, the steps are: clean, moisturize, lubricate, rebalance and stay attentive.

This article, intended for the general public, written by a web editor specializing in health issues and proofread by doctors ( learn more about our team of experts ), reflects the state of knowledge on the subject covered on its date of publication. update. New discoveries and scientific studies may render it entirely or partially obsolete. This is why its role is to provide information but is not intended to replace the monitoring of your doctor, your gynecologist or your midwife.

1. Reminder of the basics: what are white losses?

Before even wondering about the changes in white discharge during perimenopause and menopause, many of you ask us questions about white discharge: what they are, what they are used for... Let's start with this first point!

White discharge appears in menstruating people during puberty with the development of the genitals, particularly the vagina and uterus. The term “ white discharge ” encompasses all non-bloody discharge from the vagina but more specifically it is of four types:

  • Cervical mucus: Cervical mucus plays an essential role in the menstrual cycle. It helps in turn to facilitate the passage of sperm at the time of ovulation and to block the passage when the latter has passed and during pregnancy where it makes up the mucous plug. Its consistency is influenced by estrogens;
  • Cyprine: The Bartholin glands, located on the vulva, at the entrance to the vagina, are responsible for lubricating the vagina. They are the ones that secrete a colorless liquid when you are sexually aroused: this is cyprin. It facilitates penetration and increases sexual pleasure;
  • Female ejaculate: Located around the urethra, on the vulva, the Skene glands secrete a liquid at the time of orgasm: it is called “female ejaculate”. Each person is different: this liquid can be non-existent, very abundant (“fountain women”, very translucent or slightly white in color;
  • Leucorrhoea: Leucorrhoea, finally, is the medical name given to other non-bloody vaginal discharge. They are of two types: physiological (necessary for the proper functioning of the vagina) and pathological (signs of an infection, injury or disease). Physiological leucorrhoea contributes to the natural hydration of the surface of the vagina, as well as to the cleaning of the vagina.

Among the white discharge, only cervical mucus is linked to the menstrual cycle. This is why you may continue to have white discharge once menopause has passed. The following questions are those you ask yourself the most on the subject of menopause and white discharge!

2. What is the “normal” white discharge during menopause?

This is certainly the question you have asked us the most on this topic!

When it comes to menstrual cycles and female intimacy, normality is rarely there and it will be difficult to give you a precise answer on what is normal white discharge during menopause because the quantity, texture and occurrence “Normal” non-bloody vaginal discharge will vary from person to person. We can, however, give you some avenues for observation and understanding.

As we mentioned in the previous part, if you still have white discharge during perimenopause and menopause, rest assured: it's normal. They do not necessarily indicate an anomaly.

Generally, postmenopausal people have less abundant and more transparent vaginal discharge than before. This vaginal discharge is more watery, clear or whitish, and has a slightly acidic or odorless odor. When they dry, they become a little more yellowish. The role of these natural discharges is to clean the wall of the vagina and cervix. Vaginal discharge linked to sexual arousal (crew) and orgasm (female ejaculate) continues to exist.

These losses are physiological and contribute to the proper functioning of the vagina. However, some postmenopausal women may observe either an abundance of losses or a very sharp drop in their losses to the point of feeling tightness. These two symptoms can be linked to vaginal dryness (also called intimate dryness) which affects 1 in 2 women at menopause.

👉Moreover, we offer you natural treatments against intimate dryness linked to menopause in this article.

3. I am menopausal and I have white discharge, sometimes very liquid, why?

It is normal to have more watery white discharge than before during menopause . Indeed, at menopause, in the absence of fertility, cervical mucus ceases to be produced by the body. Strongly linked to the menstrual cycle, it was responsible for the change in texture of the white discharge (sometimes viscous, sometimes sticky, sometimes thick). Without it, white discharge is limited to discharge generated by the vagina to self-clean . They therefore always have the same texture, generally more liquid and more translucent than before.

✋ Be careful, however: very abundant and liquid vaginal discharge can, on the contrary, be a symptom of vaginal dryness and require consultation. We'll talk about it again later.

4. Should I be worried? How to tell the difference between normal losses and pathological losses?

Although it is normal to have white discharge during menopause, it is necessary to continue to observe it because it can turn out to be pathological (in other words, the result of an illness or infection). Several causes can lead to abnormal discharge: vaginal dryness , sexually transmitted infections , vaginal yeast infections or even atrophic vaginitis . Generally, when the white discharge is abnormal and related to diseases, you may observe other symptoms.

Vaginal dryness during menopause

The most common condition that can affect vaginal discharge in people going through menopause is vaginal dryness . Indeed, the drop in estrogen reduces the vagina's ability to lubricate itself, leading to irritation which promotes white discharge.

In this case, heavy vaginal discharge is accompanied by other symptoms, such as a burning sensation and irritation in the vulva on a daily basis, and pain at the entrance to the vulva during intercourse .

What to do ?

  • If you think you may be experiencing vaginal dryness, it is important to see a doctor. Apart from hormonal treatments which may be prescribed to you conditionally, there are no medical solutions for intimate dryness but there are many tips to make your life easier.

Sexually transmitted infections

Besides vaginal dryness, other conditions can cause heavy vaginal discharge. This is particularly the case for sexually transmitted infections. These can still affect you at menopause, which is why it remains important, even at menopause, to protect yourself with a condom if you have sex with a casual partner.

Sexually transmitted infections are numerous and their symptoms depend on the condition. Typically, the change in your vaginal discharge (in quantity, texture and color) will be one of the symptoms you experience. Most STIs are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, irritation, itching and vaginal bleeding.

What to do ?

  • If you think you have an STI, we can only recommend that you consult a doctor. Most STIs are treatable with antibiotics , provided they are identified early. It will also be important to notify your sexual partner(s) to allow them to be tested and avoid reinfections.

Vaginal yeast infections

Vaginal mycosis, also called candidiasis , is caused by a fungus, candida albicans : it is normal to find it in the vagina but it can happen that it develops in too large a quantity compared to the other entities present and that it disrupts the natural balance of your vaginal flora .

Common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are very white and lumpy white discharge, but also itching and dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse, as seen previously).

What to do ?

  • If you suspect candidiasis, see a doctor for treatment. Generally, it is easy to treat with ovum and antifungal cream that you can find in pharmacies.

Vaginitis (or even atrophic vaginitis)

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina which can result in:

  • either a vaginal infection due to a fungus (vaginal mycosis or candidiasis, we talked about it in the previous paragraph), a bacteria, a virus or a parasite;
  • or non-infectious irritation of the vagina (approximately 1 in 3 cases). This is particularly the case for atrophic vaginitis, common during menopause. The reason is the thinning of the vaginal wall and the drying out of the vagina linked to the deficiency of sex hormones. This may be accompanied by painful urination and sexual intercourse and discharge which may be very bloody.

Inflammation of the vagina usually results in very white, thick, creamy white discharge. It is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse, or even bleeding.

What to do ?

  • Vaginitis is not serious but requires consulting your doctor. This condition can be treated by administering topical estrogens, which act very locally and can quickly strengthen the vaginal wall.

5. When should I see a doctor?

In general, we can only recommend that you consult a doctor as soon as you feel anxiety or worry about a particular subject. He will be able to reassure you and, if necessary, carry out additional examinations before offering you treatment if you require it.

Beyond your concern, if you notice a change in your vaginal discharge associated with other symptoms (pain upon penetration, sensations of irritation and burning, colored or even bloody discharge), it is necessary to consult.

Who to consult?

A GP will be a good contact in the event of abnormal white discharge during menopause. But you can also turn to the gynecologist and midwife who are following you: these three professionals will be able to answer you and prescribe additional examinations if necessary.

6. Are there solutions to reduce white discharge?

If your white discharge is abnormal, the solution to reducing it will be to treat the cause of its occurrence. On the other hand, if your white discharge is normal, of physiological origin, there will not be much you can do to reduce it, but we can offer you some tips to better manage it.

Reduce white discharge in the event of abnormal discharge

If your white discharge at menopause is pathological, amplified by an illness or infection, the first thing to do to reduce it is to treat its cause. To do this, consult a health professional. Once your white discharge returns to normal, you can consider solutions to manage it if it continues to be abundant.

What if my white discharge is normal?

If your white discharge is normal, of physiological origin, it will be impossible to reduce it – this would indeed not be healthy for your body which self-regulates in this way! However, here are some ways to better manage your white discharge if it is abundant:

  • Adopt good hygiene: we’ll talk about it in the next part!
  • Opt for non-tight underwear made from natural material: a material that breathes and dries quickly will be more pleasant if you have a lot of liquid vaginal discharge during menopause.
  • Wearing a panty liner: does the “wet” feeling that results from your white discharge bother you? A panty liner can help.
  • Wearing period panties: Did you use period panties for your menstrual cycle? What if you reused your panties for your vaginal discharge? These will do just fine. And if they are too thick, you can always opt for period panties for reduced flow.
🌈 On Gapianne, we offer you menstrual panties for medium flow from the Smoon brand. Made from French and Italian materials certified Standard 100 Oeko-Tex, they are made in Tunisia.
Pack of 4 menstrual panties - 3 medium flow & 1 heavy flow-Gapianne


    7. How do I take care of my private parts during menopause?

    To take care of your intimacy during menopause , here are the six rules that we urge you to follow. I promise, if you respect them, intimate dryness should leave you alone. ❤️

    #1 Clean

    The first step not to be neglected – but you certainly already know it: hygiene. Adopt daily hygiene (or even twice a day when it is hot and you sweat) of your private area and change your underwear daily.

    For this toilet, water is enough. However, you may want to use soap to feel fresher. In this case, opt for soaps with a neutral pH which do not risk destabilizing the natural acidity of your vagina. On Gapianne, we have carefully selected two intimate soaps to use in the shower:

    • 🌈 Ultra soft and natural solid cleansing bar from Baûbo : its entirely natural and gentle composition for your intimate hygiene will make you love it. With its balanced pH and organic ingredients, it gently cleanses, soothes and prevents discomfort. Its big bonus is being a solid soap: 100% eco-friendly!


    Cleansing Bar & Vulva Balm Pack - Baûbo-Gapianne

    I want this intimate cleansing bar

    • 🌈 Jhô intimate cleansing gel : this gentle and certified organic intimate cleansing treatment is made to clean your intimate area on a daily basis while providing softness and freshness. It combines the cleansing actions of neroli and lemon. Like us, you will love that it is made in France!



    I want this intimate cleansing gel

    ✋ Above all, don't give in to the sirens of douching, sometimes offered as a solution to give off a better smell... Putting water inside your vagina will unbalance your vaginal flora and you risk making things worse! If your vagina and vulva give off bad odors even though you have good hygiene, we recommend that you consult a doctor as an infection may be the cause.

    #2 Hydrate

    The second saving action is hydration of the vulva . This is especially true if you suffer from intimate dryness. This gesture will allow you to limit the sensations of tightness, internally or at the level of the vulva. For this we have selected three different products with different qualities, depending on your needs:

    • 🌈 Internal moisturizing and rebalancing gel from the Miyé brand : this gel is a 3-in-1. It is both moisturizing, lubricating and rebalancing the vaginal flora. We especially like that it can be used internally, as an internal hydrating gel. It will relieve any irritation you may experience naturally or after sex (and you can use it during sex as a lubricant to prevent this irritation!).

    Pack Jho cleansing gel & Miyé-Gapianne intimate gel

    I want this 3in1 intimate gel

    • 🌈 Intimate cleansing gel from the Wumi brand : it combines the action of a neutral pH cleanser and a moisturizer for people who want to go quickly. In the shower, you will love its freshness and the fact that it lathers well. It is made in France, 98% natural, organic and gynecologically tested.
    • 🌈 Protective balm from the Baûbo brand : extremely rich, this balm acts like a poultice on the irritations and pains you may feel. It will be particularly interesting to protect you from excess irritation that can be caused by clothing on an already irritated area thanks to the oily finish it leaves on your skin.

    Organic moisturizing vulva balm - Baûbo-Gapianne

    I want this vulva care balm


      #3 Lubricate

      As menopause is marked by a progressive deficit in vaginal lubrication , on a daily basis and during intercourse, due to the drop in sexual hormones, lubrication during intercourse and during penetrative masturbation may be necessary. On our e-shop, we have selected three favorite lubricants with different characteristics, to choose according to your needs:

      • 🌈 Intimate lubricant gel with rebalancing probiotics : we have already mentioned this product just before! Both internal moisturizer and lubricant, this gel from the Miyé brand also has the role of limiting imbalances in the vaginal flora. However, this can happen because of irritation related to intercourse and your partner's sperm. Certified vegan, natural, ORGANIC and hypoallergenic, this lubricant is our favorite (and one of our bestsellers).
      • 🌈 Water lubricant from the My Lubie brand : water lubricants are often the best tolerated and have the advantage of being compatible with sex toys and condoms (oil lubricants can damage some sex toys and make condoms porous). We really like the naturalness (100%) of this lubricant which was the first that we listed on our site.


      • 🌈 Lubricant with oil and CBD from My Lubie : cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural molecule derived from hemp flowers, the extent of whose properties we are gradually discovering! Among them: the ability to reduce pain and increase the feeling of pleasure! Choosing a lubricant with oil and CBD means increasing your pleasure while protecting you from irritation! 100% natural, made in France and vegan: we love it! And you ?

      My lubie CBD intimate oil to lubricate and relax on a person's back

      I want this CBD lube

        #4 Rebalance

        Beyond the drop in sex hormones in the body of menopausal people during perimenopause and menopause, the second cause which can cause discomfort in the vagina is an imbalance in the vaginal flora. It may therefore be interesting to use food supplements whose role is to strengthen the vaginal and intestinal flora. On our e-shop, we have selected for you:

        🌈 Probiotic treatment to balance Miyé's intestinal and vaginal flora : providing good bacteria through probiotics helps compensate for the presence of bad bacteria and thus rebalance the flora. Beyond limiting losses, maintaining healthy flora prevents intimate and urinary discomfort as well as digestive disorders and bloating. Made in France and vegan, we like this treatment to adopt for at least two months to test its effects.

        #5 Observe

        In addition to all the gestures, the good health of your intimacy relies on your observations. How is your vaginal discharge since menopause? How are they evolving? Are they increasing? Continuing to use a period tracking app can be beneficial, during perimenopause and during menopause, to track your symptoms and check that everything is okay. It is your observations that will allow you to consult in the event of surprising changes.

        Vaginal discharge is partly linked to the menstrual cycle. This is why they change at perimenopause and menopause . They become more liquid and translucent, now having the main function of self-cleaning the vagina. However, their change, in quantity, texture or color, can also mean a health problem, especially when it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain. It is essential to consult if in doubt to avoid greater inconvenience.

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