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Meilleurs compléments alimentaires pour atténuer les symptômes de la ménopause
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Best Dietary Supplements to Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Menopause, preceded by the perimenopause period, corresponds to a rather disruptive transition time for menstruating people and for good reason: our menstrual cycles and periods stop. A period of t...

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Article Gapianne sur les ballonnements à la ménopause

Prevention solutions and treatments for bloating during menopause

Menopause is a significant period of transition in a woman's life, marked by the cessation of menstruation and the end of fertility. This natural process is accompanied by a whole series of physic...

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Gapianne, article la dépression pendant les règles : tout ce qu'il faut savoir
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I feel depressed: is it because of my period?

Among the different symptoms linked to the imminent arrival and menstruation, we find a range of mood fluctuations, from irritability to anxiety through depressive episodes. Nice, isn't it? If you ...

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article Gapianne comment soulager les douleurs aux jambes pendant ses règles
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Relieving period-related leg pain is possible!

Menstrual cramps, migraines and chest pain are among the most common symptoms just before and during your period. But among these multiple symptoms, we also find pain in the legs. The legs swell, f...

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Comment le stress impacte votre fertilité
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How stress impacts your fertility

“You’re too stressed.” “You’re making yourself sick stressing yourself out like that.” “You need to let go of your desire for motherhood: you’ll see, the day you relax, it will come by itself.” If ...

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Cure Détox : quels aliments detox et compléments prendre ?-Gapianne

Detox cure: what detox foods and supplements to take?

When to do a detox cure? Do you also after the holidays feel the need to cleanse your liver, eliminate toxins, start a diet and do a total reset of your body ? It's normal: chocolates, turkey,...

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