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Meilleurs compléments alimentaires pour atténuer les symptômes de la ménopause
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Best Dietary Supplements to Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Menopause, preceded by the perimenopause period, corresponds to a fairly disturbing moment of transition for menstruating people and for good reason: our menstrual cycles and our periods stop. A period of transformation of the body and mind, it is accompanied by different symptoms which are expressed in each person in different ways: hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, fatigue, stress and so on. Among the interesting solutions to counter the negative effects of menopause, food supplements for menopause appear interesting. There are more and more of them, formulated from minerals, synthetic hormones or even adaptogenic plants. At Gapianne, we have selected, with the help of our customers, the best food supplements to alleviate the various symptoms of menopause . This article is intended to be a detailed comparison that reviews the various solutions available to you to help you choose the food supplements that meet your current needs .

Disclaimer: Taking food supplements is never harmless. Plants and their active ingredients have effects and this is why it is essential to seek the advice of your doctor (and/or pharmacist and/or gynecologist) before taking anything. Food supplements can in fact cause drug interactions with the treatments you are taking, in particular hormone therapy treatment for menopause, or have cocktail effects if you add them together. Finally, some of them may not be recommended if you have a history of hormone-sensitive cancer.

Fight against fatigue

Often little known and sometimes neglected, fatigue is the most significant symptom of menopause.

During menopause, fatigue is not only caused by the drop in sex hormones in the body but also by all the symptoms you experience: hot flashes and night sweats prevent you from getting restful sleep, stress prevents you from sleep and so on!

Even more, it's a real vicious circle because fatigue is amplified by these symptoms but itself tends to amplify them! The more tired we are, the more stressed we are, prone to hot flashes and insomnia, but also victims of hair loss or weight gain.

How can food supplements affect fatigue during menopause?

To help you counteract fatigue and continue your daily activities despite everything, food supplements can help. This, through X different actions:

  • Fill your vitamin deficiencies: vitamin deficiencies can be the cause of the appearance and persistence of fatigue;
  • Fill your mineral deficiencies: lack of iron and magnesium can cause serious fatigue. Filling them with food supplements is a great solution;
  • Bring you energy: caffeine, vitamin C... different energizers can give you the extra energy you need to get through your day at best! Food supplements can help you!

The best food supplements to treat fatigue in menopause

🌈 On Gapianne, we have conducted a lot of research and exchanged with many brands to select for you the best food supplements to combat fatigue during menopause. Our favorite: Living menopause well from the Bodhea brand. These supplements combine energizing plants (maca and reishi) with adaptogenic plants (shatavari) with the aim of maintaining energy and mood throughout the period of perimenopause and menopause. We also like that these products are 100% natural, made in France 🇫🇷 and vegan 🌱.

Bodhea's food supplement pills to help you cope with menopause

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✋ Do you suffer from fatigue despite rest and the help of food supplements? In this case, your fatigue appears abnormal and we speak of “asthenia”. If, despite all your efforts, you feel drained and you are no longer able to carry out your daily activities, we can only recommend that you consult a doctor.

Reduce night sweats and hot flashes

Among the most well-known and common symptoms of menopause – but also among the most debilitating – we also find night sweats and hot flashes.

The drop in estrogen levels at menopause disrupts the hypothalamus, which functions to be our body's thermostat. Thinking that the body is overheating, he orders the body to cool down as quickly as possible, leading to night sweats and hot flashes. In addition to hormonal fluctuations, stress and poor lifestyle can amplify these symptoms.

How can food supplements reduce night sweats and hot flashes?

Food supplements can reduce night sweats and hot flashes by intervening on three levels:

  • regulate sweating and thus alleviate the consequences of sweating and hot flashes so that they are less difficult to experience;
  • act on stress: it's a vicious circle, the more you fear suffering these symptoms... the more you suffer them. Also, reducing stress and anxiety can help you reduce them;
  • act on fatigue : these symptoms can lead to difficulty falling asleep as well as insomnia. By acting on your energy, food supplements can help you overcome the negative effects of night sweats.

The best dietary supplement for night sweats and hot flashes during menopause

🌈 In our opinion, the best food supplement against night sweats and hot flashes during menopause is that of the Jho brand. Formulated specifically against these two symptoms, it contains sage and maca. Sage is recognized as an excellent antiperspirant and helps prevent excessive sweating. Maca, for its part, is a plant which contains a lot of caffeine: it is the most powerful energizer which will allow you to fight against fatigue.

jho food supplement special for menopause hot flashes and night sweats

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Slow down hair loss

Another recurring symptom of menopause is hair loss and brittle nails: it is indeed common to see your hair fall out and your nails weaken at menopause. The cause is the drastic drop in estrogen: it prevents hair from growing back properly and makes it thinner. Nails, made up of the same molecules as hair, can also suffer from this hormonal fluctuation.

How can dietary supplements reduce hair loss during menopause?

Food supplements can reduce hair loss and weakened nails during menopause by activating three different levers:

  • Promote growth: if estrogens no longer do their job correctly, other molecules and active ingredients can boost hair growth! Food supplements can help intensify new hair growth!
  • Strengthen the hair fiber: similarly, the fineness of the hair fiber can be reinforced by actions other than estrogens alone. Supplementing with food supplements can alleviate the lack of estrogen and thus prevent hair loss.
  • Limit stress: it is known that stress, whether occasional or chronic, can lead to hair loss. By reducing the stress felt during this period, food supplements can act on hair loss.

The best food supplement against hair loss

🌈 According to our research and tests, the best food supplements to combat hair loss during menopause are the Hair and Nail supplements from the Same brand. Formulated with arugula, nettle and biotin, they act on hair growth, strengthening of nails and hair and the beauty of hair. As a bonus, we like that they are made in France 🇫🇷, vegan 🌱, gluten-free and GMO-free.

Food supplement for hair and nails gapianne

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Moisturize dry skin and reduce wrinkles

As a result of the hormonal variations of menopause but also of our general aging, the nature of the skin changes during this period of life. It refines, relaxes, wrinkles, dries up.

Menopause has a direct impact on dry skin: the skin becomes drier. Indeed, estrogens and progesterone have an important role in maintaining skin hydration: their decline during menopause leads to drying of the skin.

How can food supplements change the nature of the skin during menopause?

Food supplements are useful for rehydrating the skin from the inside and ensuring better elasticity.

  • Promote skin elasticity: Wrinkles are partly caused by the loss of elasticity of the skin and the change in its texture. By promoting elasticity, you slow down the appearance of wrinkles. Food supplements can help you with this!
  • Reduce imperfections: pimples, blackheads, pigment spots... all these problems contribute to feeling bad about one's skin, during menopause and beyond! Food supplements can alleviate these problems and help you get through them!

The best food supplement to accompany mature skin

🌈 Gapianne has selected for you what is, in our opinion, the best food supplement to support mature skin and reduce its imperfections: the Wrinkles food supplements from the Oden brand. Loaded with evening primrose oil and borage oil, they act on both skin elasticity and imperfections. We love that they are made with very few ingredients–just four (evening primrose oil, borage oil, fish gelatin, and glycerin)! We like that they are from organic farming 🌱 and made in France 🇫🇷.

Food supplements against wrinkles and relieves period pain

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Limit intimate dryness

Another symptom, and not the least annoying, of menopause: intimate dryness . More than one in two menopausal people suffer from it!

Changes in estrogen levels are a major cause of intimate dryness, which explains why it often occurs during menopause – a period marked by a sharp decline in estrogen.

How can food supplements limit intimate dryness during menopause?

If food supplements will not have an impact on hormonal levels, the main culprits in the appearance of intimate dryness, they can help to stem the other causes of intimate dryness, in particular:

  • Restore the balance of the vaginal flora: the vaginal flora and the intestinal flora are ecosystems in fine balance. It is based on the presence of good and bad bacteria. As soon as bad bacteria are in excess, an imbalance can occur with problems such as itching, burning sensations and irritation and so on. Food supplements, particularly loaded with probiotics (good bacteria), can promote the proper maintenance of vaginal flora.

The best food supplement to accompany mature skin

🌈 On Gapianne, we have selected for you the best probiotics for maintaining vaginal flora, we have named: Dijo vaginal flora probiotics . Composed of 3 strains of good bacteria and 10 billion Colony Forming Units (estimated number of bacteria), they aim to strengthen the vaginal microbiota and limit the risk of infections and the growth of pathogenic germs. No more cystitis, mycosis and other vaginal discomfort! As a bonus, we like that they are made in France 🇫🇷 and natural!

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