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Combien de temps durent les règles ?
Cycle menstruel

How long do periods last?

Two days, four days, eight days, sometimes three days, sometimes ten days… Talking with many menstruators over the last few years has taught us that there is not just one way to get your period. W...

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Combien de temps dure un cycle menstruel ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

How long does a menstrual cycle last?

There is a fairly widespread idea that women's normal menstrual cycles last the length of one lunar cycle: 28 days . But what is it really? What is the normal length of a menstrual cycle? pIs ther...

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Vos cycles menstruels n’auront plus de secret pour vous-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Your menstrual cycles will no longer hold any secrets for you

As a menstruating person, menstrual cycles are often reduced, for the most part, to the occurrence of periods. We know our rules, their duration, their flow, the solutions to respond to them. But w...

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Article Gapianne pour connaître les signes de fertilité des femmes
Cycle menstruel

What are the signs of fertility?

Whether you're on the cusp of a baby plan or trying to get pregnant, you 're probably wondering if you're fertile . There are two parts to answering this question. First, you need to know if you ar...

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Article Gapianne x Magic Ovaries sur la symptothermie
Cycle menstruel

Symptothermy, a great tool for deciphering your cycle

I am Alix from Magic Ovaries, expert in menstrual cycles and symptomothermy, and founder of Magic Ovaries, a brand dedicated to raising awareness of menstrual health and symptomothermy support. To...

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Gapianne, article la dépression pendant les règles : tout ce qu'il faut savoir
Bien être

I feel depressed: is it because of my period?

Among the different symptoms linked to the imminent arrival and menstruation, we find a range of mood fluctuations, from irritability to anxiety through depressive episodes. Nice, isn't it? If you ...

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Article Gapianne sur les règles et fatigue - Quelles sont les causes et comment y remédier ?
Cycle menstruel

Fatigue and periods: how are they linked and how to respond?

Among the many symptoms that affect women shortly before and during their periods, we very regularly find fatigue. The latter has several explanations, such as difficulty sleeping during your perio...

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article Gapianne comment soulager les douleurs aux jambes pendant ses règles
Bien être

Relieving period-related leg pain is possible!

Menstrual cramps, migraines and chest pain are among the most common symptoms just before and during your period. But among these multiple symptoms, we also find pain in the legs. The legs swell, f...

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Reconnaître les symptômes prémenstruels et les soigner
Cycle menstruel

Recognizing premenstrual symptoms and treating them

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has the potential to significantly disrupt daily life when menstruation arrives, possibly even causing temporary disability. This is why it is essential to be able to id...

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Dites au revoir à votre mal de dos lors de vos règles
Cycle menstruel

Say goodbye to your back pain during your period

That's it, you feel your period coming, you start to feel pain in your lower back. The feeling is unpleasant or even embarrassing. What to do ? How to relieve this pain? Don't worry, this article i...

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Les symptômes du SOPK
Cycle menstruel

Symptoms of PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects between 6 and 12% of women of childbearing age. It is a hormonal imbalance that can disrupt the normal functioning of the ovar...

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Tout comprendre aux différents flux des règles
Cycle menstruel

Understanding everything about the different period flows

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon for people with a uterus. However, their operation still raises many questions. It's common to wonder about the "normality" of one's flow. From light spottin...

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Pourquoi mes pertes sont-elles liquides comme de l'eau
Cycle menstruel

Why are my losses liquid?

Are you concerned about the texture of your white discharge? They are liquid like water, and you wonder if this is a normal consistency? No worries ! Many menstruating people ask themselves this ...

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Tout savoir sur la glaire cervicale
Cycle menstruel

Everything you need to know about cervical mucus

Less known than periods and yet just as linked to the menstrual cycle, today we invite you to discover cervical mucus . The latter is part of the different non-bloody vaginal discharge or white ...

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Comment calculer sa période d’ovulation ?
Cycle menstruel

How to calculate your ovulation period?

Whether you are in the process of better understanding your body or considering pregnancy, knowing your ovulation period and tracking your ovulation is particularly interesting. But how to calcu...

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Tout comprendre sur l’ovulation - Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Understanding everything about ovulation

Ovulation is at the heart of the menstrual cycle. Unlike periods, it is the invisible part of the menstrual cycle and yet it is entirely organized around it. It is ovulation that the cycle prepa...

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Tout savoir sur les pertes blanches
Cycle menstruel

Everything you need to know about white discharge

As a menstruating person, we sometimes have the unpleasant feeling that there are billions of things happening in our panties. The rules, which we necessarily think of when approaching this subje...

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Mes premières règles-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Help, I have my first period, what should I do?

Your body has changed over the past few months. Hair appears on your pubis and under your armpits, your breasts gradually enlarge. And maybe for the first time today, you discovered blood when goi...

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Quelle protection hygiénique choisir ?
Cycle menstruel

Which hygienic protection to choose?

Faced with the multitude of menstrual products available on the market, choosing the one that best suits your body, your lifestyle and your beliefs can be a challenge. In addition to the quest f...

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Est-il normal d’avoir des règles épaisses et que faire ?
Cycle menstruel

Is it normal to have thick periods and what to do?

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that most women experience every month, but it can vary greatly from woman to woman and even from cycle to cycle. Among the different characteristics of perio...

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Douleurs aux ovaires : c’est quoi, c’est grave ?
Cycle menstruel

Ovarian pain: what is it, is it serious?

In the middle of your menstrual cycle, even though your period is far away and you should be “quiet”, a pain in your lower abdomen bends you in two. It can feel like menstrual cramps, occur ever...

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Comprendre et gérer ses menstruations abondantes
Cycle menstruel

Understanding and managing heavy periods

Every menstrual cycle, you lose a lot of blood. You envy women who can get through their periods with two tampons: you fill them in two hours! Congratulations: you have heavy periods , or even ...

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Reconnaître les symptômes de l’ovulation
Cycle menstruel

Recognizing the symptoms of ovulation

Sore breasts, tight ovaries or even an increase in your libido: are your hormones agitated even though you are only halfway through your cycle? You may be experiencing ovulation symptoms . The ...

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Changement brusque du cycle menstruel
Cycle menstruel

Why does my menstrual cycle change and go wrong?

You monitor your menstrual cycle regularly. You know the length of your menstrual cycle, know the length of your period, feel your ovulation and discern the symptoms of your PMS. But for some time ...

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huile d'onagre oestrogènes
Cycle menstruel

How does evening primrose oil influence estrogen balance and menstrual cycles?

Evening primrose oil , renowned for its therapeutic properties, has long been popular with many women looking for natural solutions for hormonal imbalances. Derived from the seeds of the evening ...

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Comment les hormones façonnent le rythme du cycle menstruel ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

How do hormones shape the rhythm of the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle of menstruating people recurs every month throughout their fertile period, from puberty to menopause. The menstrual cycle is masterfully orchestrated by female hormones. Estroge...

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Règles humeur dépressive
Cycle menstruel

How do menstrual cycles impact our mood?

Every month, many women or people with ovaries go through a hormonal dance that influences more than just their fertility. Menstrual cycles, with their complex hormonal fluctuations , play a signif...

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les jours dangereux du cycle menstruel
Cycle menstruel

What are the most dangerous days of menstrual cycles?

The egg released by the ovaries during the menstrual cycle has a lifespan of a few hours to 2 days. 1 to 2 days during which you are fertile. 1 to 2 days which represent the most dangerous days of ...

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appli cycle menstruel
Cycle menstruel

Which app should I choose to track my menstrual cycles?

Whether you are looking to better understand your menstrual cycles, to know the dates of your periods, to avoid pregnancy or on the contrary to conceive a baby: menstrual cycle tracking applicatio...

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Pourquoi avez-vous des cycles menstruels longs et que faire ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Why do you have long menstrual cycles and what to do?

Beliefs die hard: it has always been assumed that women's menstrual cycles are aligned with those of the moon. The perfect menstrual cycle lasted 28 days. Except that the reality is quite differen...

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Allergique aux serviettes hygiéniques : pourquoi et que faire ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Allergic to sanitary napkins: why and what to do?

Sanitary napkins , also called menstrual pads, are the first protections that we are required to use as young women. Particularly easy to access (in terms of cost but also use and relationship to ...

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Pourquoi avez-vous des cycles menstruels courts et que faire ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Why do you have short menstrual cycles and what to do?

For centuries, the female menstrual cycle has been considered aligned with the lunar cycle: 28 days of cycle. However, many of us do not adhere to this ideal. While the average length of the menstr...

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La température corporelle basale est le thermomètre de votre fertilité
Cycle menstruel

Temperature and ovulation: the thermometer of your fertility

The human body, with its complexity and subtleties, has an incredible capacity to give us clues about its internal workings. Among these indices, measuring basal body temperature during ovulation ...

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Quelles sont les 4 phases du cycle menstruel ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

What are the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle?

Better understanding our menstrual cycle can help us be more in tune with our body and adapt our lifestyle to each moment. Knowing that we have our periods around 500 times in our lives, we thought...

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Dérèglement hormonal chez les femmes : causes, symptômes et solutions-Gapianne
Cycle hormonal

Hormonal imbalance in women: causes, symptoms and solutions

Often rightly associated with premenstrual syndrome, hormonal imbalance in women is also the cause of various disorders, such as weight gain, difficulty getting pregnant and carrying a child. Link...

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Amenorrhée : Comprendre l'absence de règles-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Amenorrhea: Understanding Absence of Periods

Who has ever felt a certain anxiety when their period is late in arriving? (raise your hand!) When you have sex with men and one month you don't have your period on the normal date, you immediately...

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Une femme souffrant de dysménorrhée se recroqueville sur elle-même à cause de douleurs menstruelles
Cycle menstruel

Dysmenorrhea: Understanding and relieving painful periods

Some of us are unlucky on this side: menstruation can be a complicated, difficult period, accompanied by a lot of pain. This would also be the first cause of school absenteeism for adolescents and...

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Trouble dysphorique premenstruel : qu'est-ce que le TDPM ?
Cycle menstruel

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: what is PMDD?

Have you ever felt an emotional roller coaster just before your period? Do you feel overwhelmed, irritable, or even hopeless? If so, you may have experienced a condition known as premenstrual dysph...

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Cycle menstruel

Women's Yoga classes - MLK YOGA at Gapianne

Yoga postures to better live your menstrual cycles with Marie-Laure fromMLK YOGA . Because yes, the practice of yoga can help soothe pain but also the mind which is sometimes put to the test durin...

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Optimiser la 2eme semaine de son cycle-Gapianne
Cycle hormonal

Optimize the 2nd week of your cycle

This period of the cycle is from D7 to D13 or the week after your period. This is called the pre-ovulation phase or the follicular phase . It is the spring of your cycle, you are in full bloom. ...

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Pourquoi les culottes menstruelles vont vous changer la vie.-Gapianne
Culotte menstruelle

Why period panties will change your life

"Take control of your privacy so as not to suffer it anymore" what does that mean? At Gapianne, we wanted to give women the opportunity to find the solution that suits them best. This does not mean...

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Comment gérer le syndrome pré-menstruel ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

How to manage pre-menstrual syndrome?

Phase 4 of the hormonal cycle corresponds to post-ovulation from D21 to D28, this is the premenstrual phase. Similar to an autumnal phase, it promotes withdrawal, but also expression and emotion. ...

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Apprivoiser ses règles avec la naturopathie-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

Taming your periods with naturopathy

Today, we are taming phase 1 of the hormonal cycle : menstruation or the menstrual phase. Day 1 to Day 6 (also called winter). We hibernate, we rest. mood It is a phase of introspection, of con...

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Que penser du flux instinctif libre ?-Gapianne
Cycle menstruel

What about free instinctive flow?

Jess, Clem and the girls of Collectif Junon thrill Paris with their program of feminist and eclectic events, their eponymous blog since 2015 deconstructs the preconceived patterns of sexuality o...

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Et la pilule, on en parle ?-Gapianne

And the pill, are we talking about it?

Jess, Clem and the girls of Collectif Junon thrill Paris with their program of feminist and eclectic events, their eponymous blog since 2015 deconstructs the preconceived patterns of sexuality of ...

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