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Article sur la naturopathie comme aide lors de la ménopause - Gapianne

Managing your menopause with naturopathy: is it possible?

A period of hormonal upheaval and various inconveniences and discomforts for many menstruating people, menopause has no real treatment other than taking hormones to limit its impact and symptomatic management. Hot flashes, intimate dryness, menstrual pain, hormonal acne: the symptoms of menopause are numerous. To respond other than with medication, you are certainly looking for natural solutions. Naturopathy and its solutions are part of this. Let's find out together how naturopathy can help you manage your menopausal symptoms , as well as its limits.

Understanding what menopause is

Before going further on the solutions that naturopathy provides for menopause , let's start by quickly recalling what menopause is and the symptoms it causes.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the period in the life of menstruating people during which periods stop. It generally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but around 1% of women experience early menopause, before the age of 40. It is a natural phenomenon: ovarian follicles give birth to a limited number of eggs (usually 300,000) during the fertile period of menstruating people. Once this number has passed, ovulation and the menstrual cycle stop: this is menopause.

However, menopause does not happen instantly, periods do not stop instantly. This period of 2 to 4 years during which the menstrual cycle stops is called “perimenopause”. It is marked by irregular ovulation (and therefore irregular cycles) and hormonal disturbances which cause and are caused by this ovulation irregularity.

At the hormonal level, perimenopause then menopause are marked by a gradual decline in estrogen and progesterone levels. They are at their lowest point at menopause.

Symptoms of perimenopause and menopause

Perimenopause and menopause are marked by different symptoms which increase or fade with menopause. Beyond the stopping of periods, 80% of women experience at least one other symptom of menopause. Because of their link to the rise and fall of hormone levels, these symptoms are quite similar to those that menstruators may experience during menstrual cycles during their fertile period. Their occurrence and intensity depends on each menstruating person:

  • Hot flashes: This is a sudden feeling of intense heat. It may be accompanied by sweating and redness of the face and neck.
  • Night sweats: This symptom refers to excessive sweating during the night, often linked to hot flashes.
  • Menstrual irregularities / cessation of periods: during perimenopause, cycles are irregular, marked by irregular ovulation. This does not in any way mean infertility: some women can become pregnant during this period. At menopause, periods stop permanently.
  • Vaginal dryness: The drop in hormonal levels as well as the reduction in the thickness of the vaginal wall at menopause can lead to reduced vaginal lubrication and pain during sexual intercourse. Vaginal dryness affects 1 in 2 women at menopause.
  • Mood changes: like during menstrual cycles, some women may experience emotional fluctuations, such as irritability, anxiety or even depressive episodes. This can be even stronger as people in perimenopause find themselves confronted with the aging of their bodies or even the renunciation of their childhood dreams.
  • Sleep problems: Some people going through perimenopause and menopause experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, often due to hot flashes and/or night sweats. For some, menopause causes insomnia. The anxiety and stress that accompany this period may also be to blame.
  • Weight gain: Due to hormonal fluctuations related to perimenopause and menopause, some women may notice an increase in weight or changes in fat distribution.
  • Dry skin and hair loss: Skin and hair may become drier and more fragile.
  • Disruption of libido: These periods can cause an increase or decrease in sexual desire in some women.

Let's remember what naturopathy is

Naturopathy is an alternative medicine that differs from conventional medicine. It is based on different practices and different principles. This practice, however, has several limits that it is necessary to present before going further: we talk about them at the end of this part.

What is naturopathy ?

Naturopathy is an approach to holistic health and wellness that focuses on promoting the body's natural healing using various techniques and methods. These include nutrition, herbalism, phytotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, stress management, and even traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners of naturopathy view the body as a whole, emphasizing the balance between mind, body, and spirit.

Principles of Naturopathy

The practice of naturopathy is based on different principles:

  1. The Healing Power of Nature: Naturopathy believes in the body's ability to heal itself when the right conditions are present. This often involves the use of natural remedies such as botanicals, herbs, vitamins, minerals and lifestyle changes.
  2. Identify and treat the underlying cause: Rather than simply treating symptoms, naturopaths seek to identify and treat the underlying cause of an illness or imbalance in the body.
  3. Primum non nocere (Latin “first, do no harm”): Naturopathy aims to use treatment methods that are as gentle and non-invasive as possible, avoiding harmful side effects as much as possible.
  4. Treating the Whole Person: Practitioners of naturopathy view the person as a whole, taking into account all aspects of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. This is why we generally speak of a holistic approach to health.
  5. Listening, educating and empowering the patient: naturopathy professionals are known for taking time with their clients, where traditional health general practitioners cannot always afford this type of approach. Naturopaths seek to educate their patients on how to take charge of their own health and encourage them to take an active role in their healing process.

These principles, as well as associated health practices, however, depend on the schools from which naturopathy professionals come. Not all naturopathy professionals practice in the same way. As the naturopath profession is not currently regulated in France, these points may fluctuate.

Points of vigilance regarding naturopathy

If naturopathy is an interesting health practice which will provide you with important listening and different answers, we cannot continue this article without presenting its limits to you. It is indeed important to have them in mind when consulting a naturopath.

  1. Absence of a specific diploma: we mentioned this previously: no specific diploma is necessary to practice the profession of naturopath, since it is not regulated. In other words, anyone can call themselves a naturopath. This is why it is essential to find out in advance about the background, diplomas and specialties of the naturopath you wish to consult. Find naturopathic professionals recommended by people in our community in our directory.
  2. No reimbursement: a naturopathy consultation is most often billed between €60 and €100 and is generally not reimbursed (some mutual insurance companies can cover this type of appointment). To avoid unpleasant surprises, find out in advance from the selected professional and your mutual insurance company.
  3. Patient guilt: patient responsibility is interesting because it allows us to pinpoint the aspects that the patient can change to feel better, yet it can be very guilt-inducing. Indeed, diseases are not necessarily linked to lifestyle or bad behavior... Genetics, bad luck or even external causes (lack of means, place of residence) can lead to diseases. If your healthcare professional makes you feel guilty, it may be worth getting a second opinion.
  4. Substitution for medical treatment: naturopathy cannot replace medical treatment. It can be a support, a support, an additional tool, but you should always continue to follow the feedback from your general practitioner and your gynecologist. Moreover, a naturopath cannot, according to French law, claim to treat you or give you treatment. These allegations are against the law.

How naturopathy can be a valuable help during menopause

This being said, naturopathy can prove to be particularly interesting in responding to your health problems during menopause. Although it will not be of great help in addressing the cause of menopause, it can help you limit the symptoms of the latter. Here are the symptoms for which naturopathy can be of great help.

Reduction of symptomatic medications

There are two ways to reduce menopausal symptoms: by directly addressing their cause (hormonal variations) or their consequences.

Currently, there is no evidence that diet can affect hormone production. Likewise, no scientific studies have proven that vitamins and herbs can regulate hormone levels. This is why, in the current state of research, naturopathy does not seem to be able to answer the cause of menopause.

However, it can be of invaluable help in responding to the symptoms caused by perimenopause and menopause: sleep disorders, stress, menstrual pain, intimate dryness, etc. Thus, naturopathy can help you reduce the discomfort linked to perimenopause and at menopause.

Hot flashes/night sweats

If hot flashes and night sweats are caused by hormonal fluctuations, diet can increase them. By helping you better control and understand your diet, naturopathy can calm these annoying symptoms of menopause.

🌈 On our shop, we have selected for you the Bodhea brand mouth spray to respond to hot flashes. Result of a combination of three plants finely selected with the help of certified naturopaths, it helps avoid certain physical and emotional inconveniences of menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, headaches, stress, irritability.. .

Bodhea's oral spray which works to better experience menopause

I want this mouth spray >

Stress and anxiety management

Mood changes and mental health are a major issue that naturopathy can act against – irritability, chronic stress and anxiety in particular. Diet, but also herbal medicine and sophrology can be answers to these problems.

🌈 On our e-shop, we have given in to the power of CBD. To reduce stress and anxiety, we like this molecule (cannabidiol) from hemp flowers. It has interesting soothing and anxiolytic properties. Taken as a treatment, at approximately one dose per day (the dosage must be adapted according to your needs), CBD oil 1000mg from the Équilibre CBD brand is our favorite for reducing chronic stress and anxiety.


I want this 10% CBD oil >

Intimate dryness

Intimate dryness is an extremely common symptom of perimenopause and menopause. It affects around 50% of women. 50% of postmenopausal women have pain on a daily basis and during sexual intercourse. The care and solutions provided by naturopathy can address these issues.

🌈 At Gapianne, we offer several products to respond to intimate dryness and in particular a routine of three products for better intimate hydration : an intimate cleanser, an intimate gel that can be used internally and an intimate lubricating oil to promote pain-free intercourse. .

Also read: How to recognize intimate dryness? >

5 products recommended to treat intimate dryness naturally >

Gapianne's vaginal dryness routine with an intimate cleansing gel, a moisturizing gel and a lubricating oil.

I want this routine against intimate dryness >

Sleep problems

Sleep disorders are multifactorial. Your sleep can in fact be disrupted by physical pain as well as by anxiety or stress. Naturopathy can address these issues and provide answers.

🌈 On our e-shop, we have a crush on Good night herbal tea from The French Herborist brand. Composed of Sage, Linden and Peppermint, it promotes relaxation, digestion and falling asleep.

Herbal tea for sleep The French Herborist with a tea bag in a glass of water - Gapianne

I want this herbal tea >

Weight gain

The weight gain that can occur during menopause can be a source of stress and unhappiness for women during menopause. By providing keys to diet and essential nutrients, the naturopath can be an interesting ally in limiting this weight gain and promoting a better self-image.

Naturopathic solutions to manage menopause symptoms

The naturopathic professional has many tools and advice available to help you manage the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. He can practice and provide them himself or recommend you to professionals practicing other professions. Do not neglect: the training and career path of naturopaths being very personal, remember to find out in advance about the knowledge of the professional you consult according to the knowledge you are looking for.

Food and nutrition

Naturopaths are normally well versed in everything related to food: the macro elements, minerals and vitamins contained in each food as well as their effects on the body. They also know how foods interact with each other and on the body.

💡Did you know? Detox has no scientific reality. The liver is the organ responsible for detoxification in the body and you just need to supply it correctly on a daily basis with water (between 1L and 2L per day) and minerals to allow it to do its job. Fasting or detoxing is not necessary.

Phytotherapy and herbalism

Depending on their training and knowledge, naturopaths also know everything related to herbal care and the effects of plants. They can be phytotherapists and/or herbalists. Plants have demonstrated, through time and cultures, their multiple effects and their effectiveness, particularly on the symptoms of menopause.

✋ Be careful here: just because plants are not traditional medicines does not mean they cannot be aggressive to the body (arsenic kills after all). Plants and herbal treatments should not be taken lightly and consider asking your doctor/pharmacist for a second opinion if you are taking different treatments in parallel.


Some naturopaths use homeopathy . Homeopathy works according to two major principles: the memory of water and the principle of similarity (from the Greek homoios “similar” and pathos “disease”), that is to say, treating with what is similar to the disease. . A bee sting causes sudden edema, inflammation and/or burning sensation, which is why, in homeopathy, bee diluted in water is prescribed to treat these symptoms. No study has yet proven the effectiveness of homeopathy beyond the placebo effect (hence its recent dereimbursement by Health Insurance in France).

Stress management

Naturopaths may have been trained in stress management techniques. There are different ones, such as mindfulness meditation, sophrology, breathing methods, breath work ... Not all of them have demonstrated their effectiveness but all of them can help you, occasionally, to overcome your stress and combat stress. anxiety.


Naturopaths can finally be trained in acupuncture , an alternative Chinese medicine that works by compressing specific points on the body, called “acupuncture points”. This stimulation can be physical: implantation of needles, acupressure devices, application of suction cups, magnets, lasers, etc. Several symptoms and discomforts could be relieved by this medicine, however no study has yet proven the effectiveness of acupuncture beyond the placebo effect.

Naturopathy is an interesting avenue to explore to reduce the effects and symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. It offers a holistic approach and has numerous tools that can support you. Even more, the practitioners will take the time to listen to you to provide you with the best possible relief. However, keep in mind that this practice is expensive and not reimbursed and that it should not replace your traditional medical treatments.

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