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Sonde Emi ou Périfit ou Elvie : quelle sonde périnéale choisir ? Notre comparatif

Emi or Périfit or Elvie probe: which perineal probe to choose? Our comparison

The perineum, also called the pelvic floor, is a muscle that plays an important role in the health and intimate well-being of men and women. However, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause contribute ...

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Article Gapianne pour déterminer si on a un périnée tonique

Comment savoir si mon périnée est assez tonique ?

Le périnée est une sorte de hamac composé de muscles, de ligaments et de fascias qui s'étend du pubis jusqu'au coccyx. Il soutient les organes génitaux, du rectum, de la vessie et des viscères. Les...

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Article Gapianne sur les différences entre périnée tonique et hypertonique

Tonic or hypertonic perineum? What differences?

A toned perineum is a healthy perineum that allows you to perform all of your bodily functions, including keeping organs in their place, urinary and fecal continence and sexual pleasure . If a weak...

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Article Gapianne qui compare les meilleurs appareils pour muscler son périnée

Comparison of the 3 best devices for strengthening the perineum

The perineum is a set of muscles, ligaments and fascia that extends in a hammock shape from the pubis to the coccyx and surrounds the vagina, bladder and sphincter. Its tone guarantees good health:...

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Article Gapianne - Rééducation du périnée : passez enfin au biofeedback

Re-educate your perineum effectively with biofeedback

Perineal health, often neglected in general discussions about well-being, nevertheless plays a crucial role in women's quality of life. From childbirth to age-related changes to various surgical pr...

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4 exercices pour la rééducation de votre périnée

4 exercises to rehabilitate your perineum

The perineum is a complex, diamond-shaped collection of muscles, ligaments and fascia that extends from the pubis to the tailbone. It is a kind of hammock that forms the pelvic floor which provide...

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Comment muscler son périnée ?-Gapianne

How to strengthen your perineum? And why ?

The perineum, a word so often pronounced during pregnancy, in anticipation of childbirth. But do you really know what the perineum is for? And why is it important to strengthen the perineum when...

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Comment muscler son périnée : La pratique Kegel en 6 leçons-Gapianne

Strengthen your perineum: Kegel exercises in 6 lessons

The perineum or pelvic floor is everyone's business (with or without children, at any age, and even you gentlemen!). This “hammock” of muscles supporting the abdominal organs deserves the most s...

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