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Article Gapianne x Magic Ovaries sur la symptothermie
Cycle menstruel

Symptothermy, a great tool for deciphering your cycle

I am Alix from Magic Ovaries, expert in menstrual cycles and symptomothermy, and founder of Magic Ovaries, a brand dedicated to raising awareness of menstrual health and symptomothermy support. Today I support women and couples in understanding their fertility through symptomothermy, whether for a child project, natural and hormone-free contraception or to reconnect with oneself.

Today, I respond positively to Gapianne's invitation, to explain everything about symptomothermy. No more secrets about this wonderful cycle tracking method. Let’s discover its many powers together!

Great reading!

Symptothermy, what is it?

Symptothermy is a method of observing the cycle which is based on the monitoring and interpretation of basal temperature (resting body temperature) and cervical mucus , in other words, white discharge . It can be used both as a

  • means of natural contraception (98% effective 1 ),
  • design assistance ,
  • and to monitor the balance of its cycle.

⚠️ This is neither the temperature method nor the calendar method. In symptomothermy, we do not operate by feeling, we do not guess, we follow precise fertility indicators based on scientific knowledge. of today. Bye bye grandmother's methods!

Natural, hormone-free contraception

Symptothermy can be used as a means of contraception. And the advantage with this method of contraception is that it is 100% natural; no synthetic hormones or side effects. You will finally be able to understand your cycle, the real one! This has many benefits: we accept our body better, we understand better where certain inconveniences come from, in short, we boost our self-confidence and we pamper our health.

And for the evil tongues who tell you that it is unreliable, know that this is a preconceived idea! With good training (and yes, the best is to be accompanied by a professional in this learning) and rigorous practice (you must do this monitoring every day), symptomothermy is one of the most natural methods. effective.

Besides, speaking of effectiveness, did you know that we generally talk about the theoretical effectiveness of contraceptive methods? And not the real efficiency rate, that of “real life”? In other words, if you forget to take your pill, for example (which happens very often), the actual effectiveness rate will be less important than the theoretical effectiveness rate! Think about it :)

The actual efficiency rates therefore take into account daily reality; small errors and oversights. To obtain this figure, researchers observe a real group of women using this method and note the number of unwanted pregnancies that occur.

Method of contraception Actual usage efficiency rate Efficiency rate in perfect use
Symptothermy 98% >99%
Pill 93% >99%
Male condom 87% 98%
Hormonal IUD (IUD) >99% >99%

Source: Contraceptive Technology


Help with conceiving a baby

Symptothermy is also a great tool for those who dream of motherhood. And yes, because when you know how to identify your fertile days, you can maximize your chances of conceiving.

With symptomothermy, you can also calculate your expected date of delivery (DPA) optimally. Why is this important? Because a bad estimate of the DPA means an increased probability of having your labor triggered artificially, but not only that! It is from this that the dates of routine examinations will be determined (as well as eligibility for abortion, but here we are straying from the subject).

If you didn't know, today we use a two-century-old calculation method to estimate the DPA and we adjust the latter with examinations which have a significant margin of imprecision.

A way to regain power over your cycle

Once you know how to interpret your menstrual cycle and identify your fertile days, you can identify imbalances or specific symptoms. Once these problems are detected, we can take action to resolve them.

Indeed, the menstrual cycle is inherently irregular, the length of cycles therefore vary greatly and 90% of women experience or will experience a hormonal imbalance during their fertile life. It is therefore essential to know how to detect these problems.

Thus, thanks to symptomothermy, valuable information such as the observation of repeated late ovulations, short luteal phases or even recurring spotting before periods, will allow health professionals to best support you in your care journey.

You will also be able to better anticipate the arrival of your period. And we validate that!

Another advantage (yes, I know there are plenty): when you master this method, you know exactly when you can have fun without fearing a surprise pregnancy. It's the freedom to experience intimate moments, without that little voice in our head that constantly reminds us of the fear of an accident. You can finally disconnect completely, immerse yourself in the present moment and share a moment of pure pleasure with your partner.

This reconnection to oneself is incredibly powerful! We don't always realize how liberating it is.

How does symptomothermy work?

As I mentioned later, symptomothermy is not based on guesswork, but on scientific data.

Symptothermy is based on 2 phases of the menstrual cycle

First of all, let's remember that the menstrual cycle is not just about periods. It is a series of changes that the body goes through to prepare for a possible pregnancy. In fact, if we only base ourselves on the physiological aspect, there are 2 phases in a menstrual cycle .

During the first phase of the cycle, also known as “the follicular phase”, the body prepares for its next ovulation . As a reminder, estrogens are the dominant sex hormones. They help lubricate the cervical mucus. Thanks to this hormone, we can notice an evolution of the cervical mucus during the cycle, such as its change in color and texture; and that says a lot about our hormonal activity.

During the second phase of the cycle, the luteal phase, the body prepares to accommodate a potential pregnancy. Here, it is progesterone which is the dominant hormone in this post-ovulation phase. Moreover, when we dig into the etymology, we understand the role of this hormone: comes from the Latin pro and means "for" or "in favor of" and -gesterone from gestare , which means "to carry ". Progesterone increases basal body temperature and dries cervical mucus.

Note that:

At the level of the 3 triangles: Temperature rise

At the level of P123: Peak of cervical mucus

At the FFFF level: Fertile window

At the 28 day level: 28 day menstrual cycle

Below the high temperature curve, around D21-D26, at the height of 36.40: 13 days of luteal phase

Cervical mucus, basal temperature and position of the cervix: 3 key indicators of symptomothermy

Symptothermy therefore relies on careful observation of the body's natural signs to determine periods of fertility and infertility within the menstrual cycle. Among these signs, cervical mucus, basal body temperature and sometimes the position of the cervix stand out as the main indicators on which this method is based.

Cervical mucus:

Shall we focus on cervical mucus?

It is mucus (or white discharge, not always that white!) which is secreted by the cervix. It changes consistency and appearance throughout the menstrual cycle in response to hormonal variations. Around ovulation, mucus usually becomes more abundant, clear and elastic and may resemble the texture of egg white. This helps promote the survival and transport of sperm through the female genital tract. This therefore indicates a period of high fertility! At the beginning of the follicular phase, the mucus is generally thicker and less abundant, and after ovulation, it often dries up completely.

Basal temperature:

Basal body temperature is the body temperature at rest. We cannot measure it just any way! This should be done immediately after waking up and before getting out of bed.

Are you wondering why we measure it? Quite simply, because around ovulation, under the effect of progesterone, the basal temperature rises slightly (this is not the case for everyone so I prefer not to give figures) and remains high until 'at the end of the cycle. This subtle change in temperature serves as an indicator of fertility and helps confirm that ovulation has occurred. By monitoring these temperature variations daily, it is possible to accurately determine the windows of fertility and infertility.

The position of the cervix:

If you have difficulty observing your cervical mucus (because you are on vacation at the sea, because you are a professional surfer or simply because you have very little mucus) it is possible to observe the position of the cervix.

In fact, the latter, located at the entrance to the uterus, changes position, firmness and opening throughout the menstrual cycle. This reflects the hormonal fluctuations associated with different phases of fertility. During the fertile period, the cervix is ​​higher, softer and slightly open to facilitate the passage of sperm. In contrast, during phases of infertility, it positions itself lower, becomes firmer and closes, which forms a more pronounced barrier.

This practice, although it requires one to be trained to practice it, offers an enriched understanding and deeper connection with one's own body.

What equipment is needed?

That’s it, do you want to embark on the wonderful adventure of symptomothermy? For this, you will need to equip yourself!

  • A basal thermometer: choose a good quality basal thermometer, designed specifically to measure subtle variations in body temperature. It should be able to measure to at least two decimal places for increased accuracy. And don't panic, the temperature is taken under the tongue!

I want it >

  • A tracking journal or tracking application: prepare a paper journal, an Excel table, or download a mobile application designed for tracking fertility signs! This support should make it possible to record daily your temperature, the appearance of your cervical mucus, and the position and firmness of your cervix. For those who wish, you can find the menstrual diary that I designed specifically for cycle tracking right here.


I want it >

✨Are you a little afraid to start out alone? I can also help you take your first steps into this new world of symptomothermy! Indeed, it’s my job! I created the “Magic Ovaries Academy” , which is a 12-week support program to teach you about symptomothermy.

The advantages of symptomothermy and its limits

At this level of reading, you will have understood, symptomothermy is a natural method of fertility management which has many advantages. However, like any approach, it may have some limitations that it is important to recognize for informed practice adapted to each situation. Shall we see this together?

His advantages

  • Natural, hormone-free contraception: one of the main advantages of symptomothermy is its non-invasive nature. It is not based on any medical, hormonal or chemical device. Bye bye side effects!
  • Promotes connection to yourself: it strengthens the connection to your body. She educates about natural fertility cycles and how various factors (diet, stress, lifestyle) can influence us.
  • Versatile: Whether the goal is to avoid pregnancy, to conceive, or simply to better understand your body, symptomothermy offers flexibility and adaptability to various needs and phases of life. She knows how to do just about everything 😉
  • Economical: after purchasing a basal thermometer and potentially purchasing training or educational resources, symptomothermy is a truly economical method, because it does not require recurring purchases.
  • Peace of mind: as you control your cycles, there is no need to stress about a potential pregnancy! And that's a luxury :)
  • Decipher irregular cycles: women with very irregular cycles (high-level athletes, women with PCOS, people suffering from eating disorders, etc.) will finally be able to understand their cycles and accurately identify their ovulation.
  • Promotes exchanges with your partner: for couples, it encourages communication and sharing responsibilities in terms of fertility management, thus strengthening the partnership.

His limits

  • Need for learning: this method requires a learning period to master the interpretation of body signals, which may discourage some users at first! However, it's worth it. Good support will allow you to enjoy many advantages as seen previously.
  • Daily discipline: it requires rigorous discipline in the daily observation and recording of fertility indicators, which can be perceived as restrictive. But if we take a step back, almost no contraception or conception method is not restrictive!
  • Sensitivity to disturbances: The accuracy of the method can be affected by various factors such as stress, illness, travel and lifestyle changes. It therefore requires increased attention or some adjustments in the interpretation of the data.

What do those who have embarked on symptomothermy think? Discover their testimony!

Discover the testimonials of my clients: Alessandra and Phinissia who embarked on symptomothermy to better manage their fertility.

To learn even more about symptomothermy and your menstrual cycle, you can follow me on TikTok , Instagram and YouTube .

As a reminder, I am Alix, founder of Magic Ovaries and certified Symptothermy instructor who offers personalized support. I offer you 5% reduction thanks to the code GAPIANNE on this site . And for those who wish to observe their cycles independently, my Ultimate Menstrual Diary is available here.


*(1) The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple's sexual behavior during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study, Petra Frank-Herrmann (2007)*

(2) The Revolution will be bloody, Stasha Washburn (2020)

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