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Prendre soin de soi après une fausse couche-Gapianne
Fausse couche

Taking care of yourself after a miscarriage: what follow-up?

Find the expert opinion of naturopath Stéphanie Jreijiri, founder of Equilibre au feminine.

Miscarriage is an early and spontaneous termination of a pregnancy, occurring within the first 22 weeks, more frequently before the 14th week. This is a fairly common occurrence, with approximately 1 in 5 women experiencing one in their lifetime . The causes may be a chromosomal anomaly, a uterine malformation, hormonal imbalance, deficiencies or an unknown cause. However, this moment can be painful to experience and should not be ignored, in order to be able to mourn it and prepare to become pregnant again in the best conditions.

As women, we do not have the space to discuss the depth of this loss. I have lost nine children to miscarriage. It's not nothing, physically or emotionally, but we are made to feel that it is something to experience alone and secretly, with a feeling of failure. »Sharon Stone

Symptoms: How do you know if you are having a miscarriage?

In the event of a miscarriage (also called "spontaneous abortion"), there may be feelings of period pain , light brown discharge then darker , turning red , perhaps blood clots as well as pain in the lower abdomen or even in the back.

It can also be felt more instinctively, by some women who feel that something is wrong.

In all cases and as soon as there is any doubt, you must request a medical consultation from a health professional such as a gynecologist to confirm or rule out the miscarriage . If this is confirmed, this doctor will tell you what to do, because the miscarriage can happen completely naturally or require surgical intervention (with curettage to clean the uterus).

If you are looking for a professional specialized in women's health and caring, you can consult our directory of practitioners recommended by the Gapianne community .

What to do after a miscarriage?

This is an event that can cause physical and emotional pain, you are not alone in this . Losing a baby requires taking care of yourself in a way similar to childbirth. There is nothing "false" about it and should rather be called "terminated pregnancy" . Indeed, there is a similar loss of blood, sometimes a weight in the perineum, a hormonal upheaval...

Watch out for infections

After a miscarriage and for 2 weeks, you should not use a tampon or menstrual cup to avoid any risk of infection because they can irritate your already sensitive vaginal mucosa.

The safest thing is to use organic cotton sanitary napkins or opt for menstrual panties. You can take the time to compare the different ranges of period panties if necessary to find the ones that suit you best.

We also avoid making love or taking baths as well as going to the swimming pool to reduce the risk of infections.

Allied plants to consume after a miscarriage

A spontaneous abortion does not require “purifying” your womb or uterus , however, the body having experienced a significant ordeal, plants can be of invaluable assistance in helping it recover.

  • Raspberry leaves: promotes hormonal balance, helps restore regular cycles, tones the uterus and perineum, soothes cramps thanks to its anti-spasmodic properties

  • Witch hazel: helps regulate bleeding (if significant bleeding), it is also a plant with anti-inflammatory properties

  • Yarrow: calms pelvic pain and also anti-inflammatory

  • Camomile: soothing for the nervous system

  • Nettle: remineralizing (if significant bleeding)

You can go to an herbalist to have a herbal tea mixture made, or get advice from a naturopath like Stéphanie Jreijiri who helped us write these tips.

If the bleeding is significant, a blood test will allow you to check your iron levels. Supplementation may be indicated only if the deficiency is confirmed, because too much iron is harmful to the body .

Oils can be of great help, when applied locally:

  • Arnica vegetable oil , analgesic and anti-inflammatory: massage on the lower abdomen or back

  • St. John's wort vegetable oil , soothing (cramps) and anti-inflammatory: massage on the lower abdomen but also on the solar plexus

You can add a drop of essential oil with vegetable oil, such as sweet orange or lemon , which calms anxiety (in massage on the solar plexus) or that of neroli , which promotes inner peace and confidence in itself. They can also be used olfactorily.

Taking time to grieve after a miscarriage

It often happens that couples do not announce the start of pregnancy before the end of the 3rd month, because they fear risks such as miscarriage. If the pregnancy is not known to those around you personally or professionally or if the medical profession trivializes the situation, it can be difficult to fully experience this ordeal. Many women and couples find themselves in this situation, know that you are not alone , talking circles exist and experts such as psychologists and perinatal health networks can also help you get through this moment. painful.

Although we rarely talk about miscarriage in society, taking the time to accept what has happened so that you can move forward and consider conceiving again is important.

For those who have experienced it, listening to yourself and resting if you feel the need is saving. Taking a few days if possible, slowing down and taking time for yourself can help you cope with this period.

Emotionally, a feeling of guilt can be felt, which is why it is important to welcome it, take it into account and make peace with ourselves .

Different ways to deal with a miscarriage

By the word that can be released

In the couple if the pregnancy is experienced as a couple, with loved ones and/or with the support of a therapist, whether you are a couple or alone.

The healing process can also happen through writing .

Via gentle methods

Other alternatives can help: therapies passing through the body with massages, foot reflexology, osteopathy, yin yoga (gentle yoga).

When it comes to food, we focus on warm, comforting dishes.

Bach flowers can also be of great help: the star of Bethlehem (comfort flower) or Scots pine (for people who feel responsible).

The practice of a rebozo treatment

If we feel the need, we can set up a ritual to close the space, do perinatal mourning work for what has been experienced and turn the page.

The rebozo treatment encompasses all these techniques: it is a traditional Mexican ceremony, which can be practiced following childbirth, miscarriage, bereavement or a major life change... It includes a moment of verbal exchange, a massage, a hot herbal bath, a wrap and tightening with the “rebozo”. These Mexican fabrics will be tight around the woman's body, particularly at the pelvis. This ritual can be practiced by a doula, accompanied by the spouse or a loved one. It allows great relaxation and promotes a return of energy.

New pregnancy: How to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Doctors recommend waiting about a month after the miscarriage before trying to get pregnant again.

It often happens that the preconception phase is forgotten even though it can be fundamental and helps reduce the risk of miscarriage. Before reconfirming a desire to conceive, preparing the body and mind through a specific diet can help the conception phase for both partners. In fact, these tips are valid for the couple and not just the woman carrying the child!

Miscarriage can be an opportunity to take a few months to cleanse the body and mind and manage daily stress in order to best prepare it to welcome a new pregnancy and make room for this arriving child.

Prepare your body

And the liver in particular, thanks to a Detox cure to help your body get rid of toxins, pollutants and chemical substances, and prepare a healthy environment, more conducive to pregnancy 🌱

We advise you to try the Boome Detox treatment, which will rid your body of synthetic hormones after taking the pill for a long time and which will restart the functions of the reproductive system. It is recommended to do 3 months of treatment (therefore buying 3 bottles), take advantage of a 10% welcome via our newsletter to reduce the total cost.

Do a Bomme Detox cure >

Prepare your mind

In fact, feeling stress at the time of ovulation is responsible for around half of failures and is, according to the WHO, the main factor in infertility.

You can choose gentle, anti-stress solutions to help you. Among them, essential oils which help with relaxation. The I'm a Survivor anti-stress balm is a concentrate of essential oils, apply it to the inside of the wrists, temples and solar plexus to soothe your stress.

Discover Nideco’s soothing balm >

Regulate your cycles

Hormonal imbalance may be one of the reasons for your difficulty conceiving. We advise you to start a 3-month course of food supplements in order to regulate your hormonal imbalance:

These food supplements promote the health of the reproductive organs and help regain regular menstrual cycles.

You can also take a course of Boome Fertility food supplements. This Baby Boost treatment has been specifically designed to boost the fertility of women planning to become pregnant. It rebalances the cycle and hormones, improving the quality of ovulation and helping the maturity of oocytes. This treatment is also suitable for women with PCOS thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory formulation.

👉 Discover all the natural solutions selected by Gapianne to help you with your pregnancy project.

Once you're ready, here are some tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant again.

Avoid harmful substances to preserve the fetus

It is recommended not to consume alcohol, tobacco and drugs , which can affect your fertility and harm the baby's development. If you need a helping hand to help you quit smoking, try this anti-smoking cure specifically designed to reduce the side effects (irritability, anxiety, sleep problems, cravings, etc.) linked to this stop smoking.

Return to a healthy diet

Concerning diet, favor fruits and vegetables as well as good fatty acids (omega-3), reduce tea, coffee, sodas and processed products. Also avoid foods that are too sweet and refined because in excess, they disrupt hormonal balance .

Ahealthy and balanced diet can help boost your fertility :

  • Omega-3 fatty acids , which reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion and promote neuronal balance for the mother and the fetus as well as the quality of sperm for the father: small fatty fish, vegetable oils (rapeseed, camelina), nuts , hemp seeds, squash and chia, seaweed, Bleu Blanc Coeur label eggs…

  • B9 , essential for the good development of the baby (+ as a supplement for women from 3 months before the desire to become pregnant): spinach, lamb's lettuce, nuts, broccoli, brewer's yeast, etc.

  • Iodine , essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the thyroid, regulator of the body: marine algae, fish, crustaceans, eggs

  • Vitamin E , which limits the risk of spontaneous abortion and breast pain: wheat germ, vegetable oils (rapeseed, camelina), almonds, hazelnuts, avocado, etc.

  • Zinc , essential for the immune system: wheat germ, oilseeds, legumes, seafood and shellfish, meat

  • Choline , which contributes to the development of the cognitive performance of the future baby and reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia: egg (especially the yolk, eat runny), beetroot, spinach, quinoa

  • Calcium , necessary for the formation of the fetal skeleton and reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia: almonds, cabbage, broccoli, fatty fish, algae (dulse and wakame), soy, white and red beans

  • Magnesium , which acts on nervous and emotional balance, fundamental for conception (+ as a supplement if stress is very present): oilseeds (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts), banana, dark chocolate, whole grains, dates, green vegetables

  • Vitamin D , necessary in particular for the proper assimilation of magnesium and calcium and reduces the risks of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes (+ in supplementation because it is difficult to fill): fatty fish, sun

To avoid endocrine disruptors : we favor an organic diet, glass containers rather than plastic, you can also filter tap water and use organic household products and cosmetics.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress, which may also improve your fertility.

Stress indeed plays an important role in fertility: cortisol (stress hormone) and progesterone (which promotes implantation) are produced from the same hormone: pregnenolone. When stressed, the body prioritizes cortisol over progesterone, which can cause miscarriages.

Reducing stress involves: doing sports regularly, spending time outdoors, getting a massage, meditating, doing breathing exercises, managing the stress factors present in your environment... Reflexology, Acupuncture and osteopathy are also interesting techniques for relaxing and preparing for pregnancy.

Do a detox

Finally, you can do a detox (always Boome's) before conception as well as after a miscarriage, since the body experiences a major hormonal upheaval at these times, which puts a lot of work on the liver in particular. However, doing a detox requires you to be in good shape and we recommend doing it in spring and fall, which is why it is preferable to be accompanied by a naturopath to adapt it to your situation.

Please note, detox is not suitable if you are in the process of conceiving or already pregnant!

Track your menstrual cycle

Tracking your menstrual cycle and ovulation can help you determine the most fertile days in your cycle and plan sex accordingly.

We also recommend that you use Lady's ovulation cycle monitoring thermometer for more convenience and less logistics. Recommended by midwives to start symptomothermy, it will be your ally every morning:

Discover the Lady ovulation thermometer >

This article was written by naturopath Stéphanie Jreijiri, founder of Equilibre au feminine . Naturopath, graduate of the Euronature school certified FENA, Stéphanie offers consultations in office in Paris on Wednesdays and by video or at home in Paris and neighboring towns the rest of the week. She supports you in learning about your body and how it works, to regain power over your health and lifestyle and regain or improve your physical and emotional well-being. Specializing in supporting women, Stéphanie supports you through major life events (puberty, maternity, menopause, etc.), the problems you may encounter (irregular cycles, endometriosis, PCOS, infertility of the woman and her partner or PMA course…) but also to bring you towards a healthy life balance (weight loss/gain, sugar addiction, stress…). It is with kindness and listening to you that she offers you follow-up adapted to your ailments and especially to the changes that you are ready to make, without ever forgetting to have fun!

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