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Tout savoir sur la Gardnerella vaginalis

All about Gardnerella vaginalis

Following various unpleasant symptoms, the doctor has just had a sample taken from you: there is no doubt about it, you have a bacterial infection caused by the proliferation of gardnerella vaginalis bacteria . A somewhat barbaric name, isn't it? But what is behind this health problem? What is gardnerella vaginalis, what are its symptoms and, above all, how should you react to an infection with this bacteria?

E-concept store dedicated to feminine intimacy, we have given ourselves the mission of responding to your intimate health issues. Gardnerella vaginalis does not escape its article: you will find here everything about this bacteria, the symptoms that its proliferation causes and especially the solutions to remedy it.

What you need to remember

  • Gardnerella is one of the bacteria naturally present in the vagina. Its mass proliferation unbalances the vaginal flora and leads to Gardnerella bacterial vaginosis. It is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI) but sexually active people are more likely to develop it.
  • The characteristic symptoms of Gardnerella bacterial vaginosis are abnormal vaginal discharge (gray or very white) and an unpleasant odor, often described as smelling like rotten fish.
  • It is essential to see a doctor and to treat yourself with antibiotics. In case of recurrent vaginosis, it is possible to use basic treatments aimed at maintaining the balance of the intestinal and vaginal flora.

What is gardnerella vaginalis?

The Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria is an organism naturally present in the vagina and more precisely in the vaginal flora, like lactobacilli. Its presence in small numbers in the body is desirable and helps protect against genital infections . However, when the Gardnerella bacteria proliferates and in particular when it becomes the majority in the intimate flora, it causes an infection called Gardnerella bacterial vaginosis . This is the most common type of vaginosis (vaginal infection) that you may contract and it is well treated with antibiotics , despite possible recurrences that we will discuss. It is not a sexually transmitted disease but certain sexual practices can be the cause of its proliferation. It is not a serious infection but it can lead to long-term complications if left untreated, on the one hand by increasing the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and infections, and on the other hand by increasing the risk of having difficulties around pregnancy (infertility, miscarriage, etc.).

Symptoms of Gardnerella vaginalis infection

The symptoms of an infection caused by the proliferation of the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis are of different kinds. Taken in isolation, some of them can be linked to different conditions, but if you have several of them, there is a strong probability that you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis due to Gardnerella.

Symptoms for women

People with a vagina are most likely to contract and suffer from Gardnerella vaginalis infection in their lifetime.

Vaginal discharge

The evolution of the consistency and color of white discharge is a good way to judge the good health of your vagina and the proper functioning of your genital tract. While some changes are normal, particularly because cervical mucus , one of the white discharges, changes with the cycle, others are not. A particularly creamy and thick texture and a very whitish or even grayish color are signs of bacterial proliferation and therefore of an infection.

Fishy smell

A bad smell , similar to that of stale fish or sulfur, coming from the vulva is the most characteristic and bothersome symptom of gardnerella vaginosis. It is stronger after sexual intercourse, during menstruation and after cleaning. If your genitals suddenly change their smell even though you have not changed your hygiene routine and are not menstruating, you may need to consider the possibility of an infection.

✋ If you are faced with this symptom, avoid “cleaning” the inside of your vagina with water or smearing your vulva with perfumed products: you risk making the phenomenon worse. Consult a doctor and take the treatment he will prescribe: the bad odors should quickly dissipate.

Irritations and itching

Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria overgrowth can also cause itching , irritation , and burning sensations inside your vagina. These sensations can also be made worse by friction caused by penetrative vaginal intercourse.

✋ If you are faced with this symptom, avoid scratching yourself as much as possible. This may amplify the symptoms and worse, you may scratch yourself and create a superinfection. Consult your doctor: the treatment he will prescribe will quickly reduce these sensations.

Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)

Infection with Gardnerella vaginalis can lead, in particular due to the symptoms mentioned above, to dyspareunia , in other words pain before, during and after penetrative sexual intercourse.

Burning sensation when urinating

The last symptom associated with an overgrowth of Gardnerella in the vaginal flora: a burning sensation when urinating (similar to what you may feel during urinary tract infections).

Fertility problems, miscarriages

The presence of a large number of Gardnerella vaginalis in the vaginal flora can, finally, and this is a little more serious, be associated with fertility problems ; either to get pregnant, or then to keep the embryo (higher risk of miscarriage). In the event of a miscarriage , your doctor or your gynecologist may be tempted to have you tested to check that your vaginal flora is well balanced.

What about asymptomatic cases?

Bacterial vaginosis is asymptomatic in about 50% of cases. In other words, in 50% of cases, women may experience an imbalance in their vaginal flora with an overgrowth of Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria without experiencing any symptoms. The infection may resolve on its own or be detected by chance during another health problem (a urinary tract infection, difficulty conceiving, etc.).

Symptoms for men

It is not very well known, but men can also be carriers of this bacteria. Although no symptoms are present in most cases (they are asymptomatic), Gardnerella vaginalis can be the cause of inflammation of the glans, called balanitis. In this condition, symptoms can include redness of the glans, itching and a burning sensation. In the case of unprotected intercourse, the presence of this bacteria can also lead to re-contamination of the partner: if you are in the presence of recurrent bacterial vaginosis, treating both partners may be interesting.

How to get diagnosed with Gardnerella vaginalis?

If the symptoms listed above speak to you, it is possible that you are affected by Gardnerella vaginalis vaginosis. If this is the case, there are two possibilities: consult a doctor or do a self-test.

Diagnosis of Gardnerella vaginalis by a doctor

If you think you may have this vaginal infection and it is the first time you have had this type of infection, we recommend that you see a doctor. He will be able to guide you and give you the right steps to follow. Generally, he will perform a gynecological examination and may take a sample sent to the laboratory to check the cause of the infection (bacteria, fungus). Depending on the results, you will generally have to make another appointment to be prescribed the right treatment (in the case of Gardnerella vaginalis, an antibiotic).

Self-diagnosis of Gardnerella vaginalis

If you have already had a Gardnerella vaginalis infection and suspect a recurrence (some people are particularly prone to having them repeatedly), you can shorten this process a little by purchasing a self-test from a pharmacy. Once the diagnosis has been made, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe the antibiotic treatment necessary to eradicate the bacteria.

There are two types of self-tests:

  1. Potash self-test: This involves placing a drop of potash on a sample of vaginal secretions. If the fishy odor is very pronounced, the suspicion of gardnerella vaginosis is confirmed.
  2. Self-test to be inserted directly into the vagina: this type of self-test does not require taking vaginal secretions but rather inserting the test, like a tampon, into your vagina. Its tip changes color and gives you an indication of what is bothering you.

How is Gardnerella vaginalis transmitted?

The bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis proliferates to the point of unbalancing the vaginal flora due to different behaviors and lifestyles. Gardnerella vaginalis is not transmitted : naturally present in the vagina, it encounters conditions conducive to its development.

Most often

Sexual activity

Although Gardnerella vaginalis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, sexual activity contributes significantly to the proliferation of the bacteria. This is for several reasons.

Semen remaining in the vagina

Semen is alkaline, in other words it has a non-acidic pH, unlike the vaginal flora, which is naturally acidic to prevent bad bacteria (especially Gardnerella vaginalis) from developing. However, by remaining in the vagina, semen contributes to making the vaginal flora more basic and thus facilitating the proliferation of bad bacteria.

Change of partner

Changing sexual partners, whether long-term or occasional, can lead to the introduction of new bacteria and an imbalance in the vaginal flora. This can lead to various conditions such as urinary tract infections (cystitis) but also the development of the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis.

Different sexual practices

Certain practices, particularly cunnilingus and anal penetration, contribute to bringing bad bacteria into the vagina that have no place there – unbalancing the vaginal flora and leading to the multiplication of bacteria such as Gardnerella vaginalis.

Excessive hygiene

And yes! It is counterintuitive and yet: excessive hygiene can be the cause of an imbalance in the intimate flora which can lead to the unexpected development of harmful organisms such as Gardnerella Vaginalis. It is therefore recommended to avoid vaginal douches and intimate hygiene products, toilet paper and other scented wipes.

In rarer cases

Poor personal hygiene

While excessive personal hygiene can lead to the proliferation of Gardnerella vaginalis , poor personal hygiene can also destabilize your personal flora and have a similar effect, including:

  • Not washing your private parts daily;
  • Not changing your underwear every day;
  • Wearing your menstrual protection too long

✋ Small aside here: your partner's poor intimate hygiene can also have consequences on your intimate flora!


Smoking is a risk factor for developing vaginosis (study in English 🇬🇧 from 2000), more than other risky practices such as alcohol and other substance consumption. There is talk of an 80% increase in the risk of developing vaginosis among smokers.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal fluctuations can lead to imbalances in the vaginal flora, which can promote the development of large numbers of Gardnerella vaginalis. Pregnancy and menopause are therefore periods with a higher risk.

Also read: Vaginosis during pregnancy: What are the risks? How to treat it?

Stress and fatigue

Because stress and fatigue affect hormonal balance, which in turn affects the balance of the vaginal flora (we have just mentioned this), they can lead to the proliferation of Gardnerella vaginalis.

Not scientifically proven

Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

The link between wearing an intrauterine device (IUD) (also called a copper or hormonal coil) and the development of Gardnerella vaginalis has not been demonstrated. It is thought that the increased menstrual volume due to the IUD could impact vaginal pH, leading to the proliferation of bacteria.

What treatments are available to prevent and cure gardnerella vaginalis?

First of all, let us reiterate here the need to consult a doctor. Your GP, your midwife and your gynecologist are the competent professionals to diagnose and treat you.

Antibiotic treatment

If you are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis due to Gardnerella vaginalis, your healthcare professional will prescribe antibiotics. Treatment usually lasts 2 to 7 days and can be given orally or intravaginally (or both). Antibiotics are mainly based on two molecules: metronidazole and tinidazole.

Treatment of Gardnerella vaginalis in men

Gardnerella vaginalis is most often asymptomatic in males, which is why they are less likely to seek medical attention and treatment for it – especially if they are single.

However, treatment for Gardnerella vaginalis becomes important in men when their partner (perhaps you) is infected. This treatment is not necessarily recommended by doctors and will not be given to you during your consultation, but we recommend that you ask your partner to be treated in the event of infection. Indeed, although men are most often asymptomatic, their penis can carry Gardenerella vaginalis and can thus re-infect you during unprotected intercourse. This is why, to avoid recurrences, we recommend that you ask your partner to be treated as well.

Treatment during pregnancy

Because Gardnerella vaginalis can be dangerous for pregnancy, it is especially important that you are treated if you are pregnant. In this case, the antibiotics will be similar to those taken outside of pregnancy.

Natural treatment for gardnerella vaginalis

In case of symptoms, treating Gardnerella vaginalis naturally is not recommended: it will be more effective to take the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. However, the natural treatment of Gardnerella vaginalis is primarily prevention by maintaining the good balance of its vaginal flora, in particular thanks to vaginal probiotics - good organisms that regulate the development of the Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria.

Treatment of recurrent gardnerella vaginalis

Gardnerella bacterial vaginosis often recurs within three to twelve months after initial antibiotic treatment. In cases of persistent gardnerella, prolonged treatment with metronidazole is often used.

Intimate hygiene products to prevent gardnerella vaginalis

The first treatment for Gardnerella vaginalis is its prevention. For this, implementing good intimate hygiene is interesting.

Neutral pH soap for intimate hygiene

It is important to wash your vulva daily. You can rinse with clean water or opt for a pH-neutral soap.

🌈 In the shower, we recommend Wumi's intimate cleansing gel . Its strengths: it is a plant-based gel with more than 98% ingredients of natural origin, pH balanced, gynecologically tested and made in France.


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Unscented wipes

If you want to take a little fresh break during the day, at work or just before a cuddle, you can use wipes. We recommend that you take them organic and fragrance-free to avoid disturbing the balance of your intimate flora.

🌈 At Gapianne, we fell in love with My Lubie's biodegradable cleansing wipes . They contain Aloe Vera, Orange Blossom and Cranberries and are composed of 99.6% natural ingredients to take care of your intimate parts and your vaginal flora.

I want these biodegradable intimate wipes >


Probiotic Moisturizing Gel

If you are prone to bacterial vaginosis, we recommend using vaginal probiotics to boost the balance of your flora. Our tip? Use a vaginal gel with probiotics to moisturize your vulva and rebalance your flora at the same time!

🌈 At Gapianne, we have found this banger for you: the intimate gel with probiotics from the Miyé brand. Composed of 99% natural ingredients, it is made in a French laboratory, with a vegan and organic composition. It contains a complex set of prebiotics and probiotics, including different strains of Lactobacillus. As a bonus, it can be used as a lubricant: so why not try it?

I want this intimate gel against itching & dryness >

Are there any long-term risks?

Yes. While the proliferation of Gardnerella vaginalis in the vagina is benign, repeated bacterial vaginosis (particularly caused by the repeated development of these bacteria in the body) can bother you in the long term. This is why we recommend that you get treatment if you have any doubts.

On the one hand, because an overgrowth of Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria in the vagina can increase the risk of contracting and spreading a sexually transmitted infection, such as HIV.

On the other hand, because it is a complicating factor before (infertility) during pregnancy (late miscarriage, early delivery, rupture of membranes). The presence of gardnerella in the vaginal flora can also affect the weight of the baby at birth.

Questions / Answers about Gardnerella vaginalis

Find here the questions you asked us about Gardnerella vaginalis, via the comments of the articles, our chat or on our social networks. We remain at your disposal and ready to answer you: do not hesitate to contact us.

Can men get Gardnerella vaginalis and how?

Yes, as we have seen, men can contract the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis during unprotected sexual intercourse. While this contamination is generally without symptoms on their side, they can sometimes contract an inflammation of the glans, called balanitis. Symptoms can include redness of the glans, itching and a burning sensation. To avoid contamination and in particular cases of recontamination between the two lovers, it is recommended to take treatment together.

What is the difference between Gardnerella vaginalis and a yeast infection?

Bacterial vaginosis due to Gardnerella vaginalis is different from a yeast infection called candidiasis. While the symptoms may be similar, the difference is usually in:

  • vulvar odor: fishy odor is characteristic of the proliferation of the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis;
  • the texture of the white discharge: creamy and thick in the case of Gardnerella vaginalis and lumpy in the case of candidiasis.

Treatment is different: while bacterial vaginosis requires antibiotics, yeast vaginosis requires antifungals.

Is it possible to have Gardnerella vaginalis and a yeast infection at the same time?

Generally, these two disorders do not develop at the same time or for the same reasons. This is certainly because the high acidity that develops in the vagina due to Gardnerella vaginalis prevents yeast from developing at that time. That being said, we have had testimonies in reaction to this article indicating that these two pathologies can occur at the same time, in particular due to the taking of antibiotics.

Can Gardnerella vaginalis go away without treatment?

Gardnerella vaginalis can be asymptomatic and disappear without treatment. However, in cases where you experience physical symptoms of this condition, we can only recommend that you consult a doctor and treat it to speed up the cure.

What are the side effects of antibiotic treatments for Gardnerella vaginalis?

Antibiotic treatments that destroy the Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria that have developed in profusion have the side effect of destroying the vaginal flora. More annoyingly, this destruction can result in the resurgence of Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria and a recurrence. This is why we recommend that you rebuild your vaginal flora with prebiotics and probiotics after taking antibiotics.

Does my partner need to be treated if I have Gardnerella vaginalis?

Since the proliferation of Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, treatment of the male partner is generally not necessary. However, in the case of persistent Gardnerella, with recurrence, treatment of your partner may be requested in order to limit the risks of mutual contamination.

Can I have sex while being treated for Gardnerella vaginalis?

Yes, it is possible to continue having sex if you have Gardnerella vaginalis or are currently being treated. However, Gardnerella vaginalis may make sex painful: it is up to you to decide whether you are comfortable with the idea of ​​penetrative sex. While Gardnerella vaginalis is not a sexually transmitted infection, the presence of this bacteria in your vagina can contaminate your partner's genitals, which can then re-infect you. This is why we recommend that you use a condom to prevent recurrence.

How to properly clean sex toys to avoid Gardnerella vaginalis?

Sex toy hygiene is a point often forgotten in good hygiene to adopt. For good hygiene of your sex toys we recommend that you clean them with lukewarm water, with a neutral pH soap, without perfume. Avoid cleaners with silicone or oil which could damage your toys and make them porous.

🌈 At Gapianne, we particularly like the solid washing bar with neutral pH from the Baûbo brand. 100% natural and organic, it has a neutral pH adapted to the vaginal flora to avoid unbalancing it. All-in-one, it will be your ally for your intimate hygiene and for the cleanliness of your sex toys.

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We are 4 friends: Jen, Victoire, Anne and Marine. Like the 34 million French women, we have encountered various issues related to our privacy. That's why we created Gapianne, a shop that offers the best organic, Made in France and non-toxic solutions for health, as well as detailed resources to support you. We met ?

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