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Article Gapianne - Rééducation du périnée : passez enfin au biofeedback

Re-educate your perineum effectively with biofeedback

Perineal health, often neglected in general discussions about well-being, nevertheless plays a crucial role in women's quality of life. From childbirth to age-related changes to various surgical procedures, several conditions can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, leading to consequences ranging from urinary incontinence to impacts on sex life. Fortunately, solutions like perineal rehabilitation, particularly through the use of biofeedback , offer effective solutions to restore the strength and functionality of this area. In this article, we explore the different situations requiring perineal rehabilitation and we present biofeedback as an effective and sustainable tool in this process.

Let's remember the conditions that may require perineal rehabilitation

Perineal rehabilitation is crucial in many situations that affect pelvic well-being and health. Whether after childbirth, following pelvic surgeries or to counter the effects of aging on the perineal muscles, the benefits of this practice are multiple. It aims to strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles, for a better quality of life for those who practice it. Let's look together at the different conditions that may require pelvic floor rehabilitation.

After childbirth :

Pregnancy and childbirth can stretch and weaken the muscles of the perineum. This can lead to problems such as urinary incontinence, organ prolapse (prolapse), pain during sexual intercourse, or reduced sensation. Rehabilitation thus helps to tone and strengthen these muscles.

After certain pelvic surgeries:

Surgical procedures in the pelvis, such as hysterectomy or prolapse repair, may require pelvic floor rehabilitation to help regain muscle strength and function. Notably

For urinary incontinence:

Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles can lead to difficulty controlling the bladder. Kegel exercises, for example, can help strengthen these muscles and improve urinary control.

To prevent and treat prolapse :

Prolapse is a pelvic organ descent that occurs when the muscles of the perineum are not strong enough to support the pelvic organs. Rehabilitation can help prevent or treat this condition.

To improve your sex life :

And yes ! Toned perineal muscles can increase sensation and sexual satisfaction by improving muscle control. For this, it is therefore interesting to strengthen the muscles of the perineum!
To prevent age-related problems: With age, the muscles of the perineum can weaken. Rehabilitation can help prevent problems with incontinence and prolapse as we age.

    Why is biofeedback interesting for pelvic floor rehabilitation?

    Have you ever heard of biofeedback as a method of pelvic floor rehabilitation ? Yes No ? We tell you everything!

    First of all, what is biofeedback?

    Before starting to explain to you how and why biofeedback is very interesting for re-educating the perineum, we thought it was important to explain to you what it consists of.

    Biofeedback, or “biological feedback”, is a rehabilitation technique that uses electronic or computer equipment to measure and provide real-time information on the body's physiological activity.

    The equipment used is perineal probes, EMG which is a technique which uses surface electrodes placed on the skin around the pelvic region, pressure sensors, applications and video games which guide users through exercises of rehabilitation using data collected by probes or sensors.

    This method allows people using it to gain conscious control over normally automatic and involuntary bodily processes, through seeing or hearing these processes. This ultimately allows you to improve your health.

    As part of pelvic floor rehabilitation, biofeedback focuses specifically on the pelvic floor muscles. This helps patients identify, control and strengthen these muscles more effectively.

    Biofeedback is interesting for the perineum for several reasons

    Perineal rehabilitation is essential to maintain or restore pelvic health, and biofeedback represents an innovative method to achieve this. This technique, centered on the use of advanced technologies to measure muscle activity, offers a personalized and effective approach. We will explore the principles of biofeedback and discover why it is particularly suitable for perineal rehabilitation, emphasizing its multiple benefits.

    Improved body awareness: Biofeedback helps patients become aware of muscular activity in their perineum. By viewing or hearing real-time signals that reflect the activity of these muscles, individuals learn to identify and control pelvic floor muscles more effectively.

    Targeted muscle strengthening: By providing precise feedback on muscle activity, biofeedback allows patients to practice muscle contractions and relaxations in a more targeted manner. Allowing you to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

    Reduction of symptoms: Its use in perineal rehabilitation can also help reduce symptoms of urinary or fecal incontinence and organ descent (prolapse). By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, patients can improve their control over these muscles, which helps to better manage these conditions.

    Non-invasive technique: It is also a non-invasive method for perineal rehabilitation. This makes it particularly attractive to people who want to avoid medications or surgery.

    Personalization of treatment: This allows for a personalized approach to rehabilitation. Sessions can be adjusted based on the patient's progress. Thus, we can have a tailor-made program that meets the specific needs of each individual.

    Improved motivation: The immediate feedback provided by biofeedback can increase patients' motivation by allowing them to see progress made in real time. This can encourage them to continue their exercises and stay engaged in their rehabilitation program.

    Prevention of recurrence: By learning to properly control and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, patients can reduce the risk of future complications related to pelvic floor weakness.

    So many advantages which make this technique very interesting for those who wish to re-educate or train their perineum in an effective and lasting way!

    Where and how to do a biofeedback session for the perineum?

    To carry out a biofeedback session dedicated to perineal rehabilitation, it is important to follow a few steps and to know where to find qualified professionals for this.

    Or ?

    • Specialized rehabilitation centers: Many rehabilitation centers offer specialized services in perineal rehabilitation, including biofeedback. These centers are equipped with the necessary technologies and staff trained in this practice.
    • Physiotherapy or physiotherapy offices: Some physiotherapists or physiotherapists specialize in pelvic health and can offer biofeedback sessions for pelvic floor rehabilitation.
    • Hospitals and clinics: Gynecology, urology or gastroenterology departments in some hospitals and clinics may also offer biofeedback sessions for their patients in need of perineal rehabilitation.

    At a professional

    1. Consultation with a specialized professional: It all starts with a consultation with a specialized health professional. He will assess your condition, discuss the goals of rehabilitation and explain how biofeedback can help you.
    2. Perineum Assessment: Then the assessment begins! Before starting the biofeedback sessions, an initial assessment of the strength and function of the pelvic floor muscles will be carried out. This may include a physical exam and the use of special probes to measure muscle activity.
    3. Biofeedback sessions: During a session, sensors are placed around the pelvic or vaginal/anal region (depending on the patient's sex). These sensors record muscle activity in the perineum and transmit the data to a screen that the patient and therapist can see. Based on this information, the patient learns to control and improve the functioning of their perineal muscles through various exercises.
    4. Follow-up and home exercises: In addition to in-office sessions, home exercises may be recommended to reinforce progress. The number of sessions required varies depending on the individual and the desired goals.

    At home

    It is also entirely possible to practice biofeedback for the perineum from the comfort of home using devices specially designed for this use. These innovative devices allow each person to follow a personalized perineal rehabilitation program, guided by precise sensors and an interactive application.

    The Périfit perineal strengthening probe

    This device allows you to do Kegel exercises to strengthen the perineum. It’s a real gem of technology! It connects to a mobile application to offer an immersive and, above all, very fun biofeedback experience. Designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, this device uses cutting-edge sensors to detect muscle movement, allowing users to view their efforts in real time on the app. By transforming Kegel exercises into engaging video games, Perifit encourages us to practice regularly, a key element to achieving effective results.

    The app also offers progress tracking. Each user thus has an overview of their progress, which allows them to be motivated to persevere in their training. Thanks to its intuitive design and innovative approach, this device is an excellent choice for those who want to improve their perineal health without wasting time going to a healthcare professional.

    You therefore have two types of Perifit probe: the Perifit Plus for standing exercises and the Perifit for exercises lying down or at rest, at your convenience!

    I want it >

    I want it >

    Perineal rehabilitation, essential for pelvic health, therefore benefits greatly from the innovative approach of biofeedback! This personalized method is ultra effective in improving quality of life. Accessible through professional sessions or at home with devices like Périfit, this technique strengthens muscle control, reduces symptoms of incontinence and prolapse, and supports sexual health and general well-being. Thus, whatever the path chosen for rehabilitation, commitment and regularity in practice are crucial to achieve lasting and significant improvement in perineal health.

    So what are you waiting for to re-educate your perineum using biofeedback ?

    Up to you !

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