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Sextoy vaginal pénétratif

Vaginal sex toy

Our sex toys meet several desires: double stimulation (internal and external), G-spot, dedicated to beginners, for couples... will you find what you are looking for?

7 products


vibromasseur interne - Smile Makers

What is a vaginal sex toy?

THE vaginal sex toys are sex toys designed for the internal sexual stimulation in women and people with vulvas. These naughty accessories can come in different shapes, sizes and textures to suit your individual preferences. From G-spot to double stimulation, there are a wide variety of options for exploring your pleasure.

Why use a vaginal sex toy?

The answer to this question is as varied as the people who choose to use these toys, beginners or not. Whether for self-exploration through masturbation, solo pleasure or in a relationship with, or even for sexual health, vaginal sex toys offer often overlooked benefits. They can help discover new pleasure zones, to improve the blood circulation in the pelvic region, and even to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Le vibro double stimulation Coco de Puissante tenu en l'air

The different types of vaginal sex toys

There are several types of sex toys of this type such as eggs, dildos, geisha balls... But we are going to tell you about the accessories that you can find here at Gapianne like the special G-spot vibrators or not!

Double stimulation vibrators

Used for stimulation of both the clitoris and vagina, internal/external sex toys offer different speeds and rhythms to meet your needs.

Among them, the essential Coco from Puissante where the Chouchou (alwaysFrench brand Puissante) who come to caress your clit and your intimacy at the same time. If the Chouchou necessarily stimulates both at the same time, the Coco is known to give you the choice to let yourself be tempted: suction thanks forced air stimulation and/or vibrating rod to insert to add pleasure!

G-spot stimulators

Designed specifically to target and stimulate the G-spot, these toys are perfect for people looking to explore new orgasmic sensations.

Today, on the market sex toy for women, THE G-spot sex toys are almost all vibrating in order to further stimulate the wall of the vagina and intensify the pleasure. This is why on Gapianne you will find Tennis Pro from Smile Makers, Maude's G-spot vibrator, or even O.G.from the famous brand Womanizer.

Chouchou vibromasseur double stimulation - Puissante-Gapianne

Choosing the right vaginal sex toy for you

Take the time to know yourself

Before investing in a vaginal sex toy, take the time to explore your own body and sexual preferences. Think about what attracts you and what you would like to explore more: is it penetration, clitoral stimulation, both at the same time, anal sex?

Do some research

Find out about the different types of sex toys by comparing them: read customer reviews, our articles on the subject of Pleasure and ask us your questions via the chat located at the bottom right 💬

Be open to experimentation

When it comes to exploring your sexuality, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Be curious and open to experimentation, and don't be afraid to try new things!