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So that questions of intimacy never go unanswered again. Gapianne explores all subjects with the help of the best experts to enlighten you whatever your current problem.

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algues roses qui suggèrent l'intimité féminine

Plaisir & Sexe

Sexualité, Masturbation, Orgasme, Clitoris, Sextoy ...

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Menstrual Cycle, Menstrual Panties, Endometriosis, PMS...



Clitoris, Orgasm, Vibrators, Desire ...



Miscarriage, Perineum, Fertility, Ovulant, Contraception...



Hormonal acne, anti-scar treatment...


Menopause and perimenopause

Differences, symptoms, natural solutions...


Cycle menstruel

Durée, Dérèglement, Cycle hormonal ...

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Tous nos articles

Quel sextoy Womanizer choisir ? On a fait le test de nos sextoys Womanizer !

Which Womanizer sex toy should you choose? We tested our Womanizer sex toys!

In 2014, the date of the release of its first sex toy, Womanizer revolutionized the game of female sex toys by offering clitoral suction. Very different from previous vibrating sex toys focused on...

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Baûbo dans Qui veut devenir mon associé.e

Baûbo in Who wants to become my partner?

This is a special moment for Baûbo. This brand that we love at Gapianne, had the chance to shine in the spotlight of Who wants to become my partner on M6! A great opportunity for a brand that is r...

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Plaisir solitaire féminin : tabous, première fois, sextoys, on en parle !

Female solitary pleasure: taboos, first time, sex toys, let’s talk about it!

Female sexuality and, even more so, female masturbation, is still very taboo. However, female solitary pleasure is at the same time a way to let go, to do yourself good, to know your body and to e...

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Sonde Emy ou Perifit ou Elvie : quelle sonde périnéale choisir ? Notre comparatif

Emi or Périfit or Elvie probe: which perineal probe to choose? Our comparison

The perineum, also called the pelvic floor, is a muscle that plays an important role in the health and intimate well-being of men and women. However, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause contribute ...

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Traiter naturellement les hémorroïdes : on en parle !

Treating hemorrhoids naturally: let’s talk about it!

Hemorrhoids affect 80% of the population at some point in their lives. Beyond genetic predispositions, different causes can lead to them such as chronic constipation, spicy diet, sedentary lifesty...

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4 manières pour dilater son anus

4 ways to dilate your anus

Do you want to try anal penetration with your partner or want this practice to go as well as possible, without pain and with pleasure, after more or less unpleasant attempts? The muscles surroundi...

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4 étapes pour atténuer la sécheresse intime avant les règles
sécheresse intime

4 Steps to Ease Intimate Dryness Before Period

If, during ovulation, the increase in estrogen promotes vaginal lubrication, following this, progesterone increases in turn, sometimes leading to intimate dryness before menstruation. The lubricat...

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Les meilleures marques de vibro : notre sélection

The best vibrator brands: our selection

Want to treat yourself to a sex toy? Unless you want to acquire a new sex toy to add to your collection? Between vibrators, vibrators that are also clitoral stimulators, rabbits or even connected ...

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Tirer son lait : guide pratique

Expressing your milk: a practical guide

Learning how to express milk can be very practical for mothers who have chosen to breastfeed. Indeed, it can help the baby to latch on at the very beginning of breastfeeding, allow the father to pa...

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