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réequilibrer sa flore intime grâce aux probiotiques vaginaux
Flore vaginale

Protect your intimate flora with vaginal probiotics

Maintaining the balance of your intimate flora (vaginal and intestinal) helps to greatly protect it from infections and problems such as intimate dryness. For this purpose, vaginal probiotics are ...

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Anatomie du corps humain - Article Gapianne sur la vulve et le vagin

Everything you need to know about the vulva and vagina

The vulva , the vagina, the clitoris, the labia minora, the labia majora... all these words speak to you and are familiar to you but you are not sure of what they imply at the anatomical level, abo...

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Article Gapianne sur les bonnes pratiques pour prendre soin de sa flore vaginale
Flore vaginale

How to maintain the balance of your vaginal flora?

The balance of vaginal flora is a health issue for many women. It thus influences many aspects, such as vaginal dryness, pain linked to sexual relations, and even fertility. However, it can be easi...

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Help, j’ai des odeurs vaginales, que faire ?
Flore vaginale

Help, I have vaginal odor, what should I do?

For several days, your vaginal discharge has had a particular smell. Different from the smell you know. You feel like they smell bad, your vagina smells bad , and you smell bad. Don't worry, it's n...

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Préserver l’équilibre de la flore vaginale-Gapianne
Flore vaginale

Preserve the balance of the vaginal flora

We often talk about vaginal flora, microbiota and pH, but do you really know what that means and how to preserve them on a daily basis? Follow the guide, we tell you everything about how to take ca...

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Vulve ou vagin ? Quelles sont les différences ?-Gapianne

Vulva or vagina? What are the differences ?

There are things that we don't talk about much and that have an impact on our daily intimacy. It is important to talk about it to move the lines, improve the care dedicated to women's health and si...

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